Chapter 5

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"Pietro?" nat said behind the door, she wasn't sure if he would be in his room. She sighed when there was no answer so she decided to ask the AI.

"Friday where's pietro?"

"Mr maximoff is in the gym with mr rogers" the AI replied.

She was a bit concerned why they were in the gym but she was glad to see they weren't doing any actual training, just messing about.

"Hey nat" steve said, seeing the redhead coming through the door.

"Steve" nat said, nodding her head, "pietro can I talk to you alone please?"

The boy was going to complain wanting to stay with the man, "It's about wanda" she said.

He huffed and rolled his eyes, steve walked out leaving them to it.

Nat didn't know why he was acting this way especially when she mentioned wanda, not really knowing how to approach it, she just went for it.

"Wanda came to me saying you didn't want to play with her, she was basically in tears" nat sighed, "and I saw you roll your eyes at the mention of her pietro, what's going on?"She asked still with a gentle tone.

He just shrugged with his head down but still annoyed at the whole conversation. Nat had to know the bottom of this for both of their sake, the twins seemed to be very close and now she's worried that he's starting to pull away a bit too much from wanda since there's other boys in the compound.

"Did you two have a fight or something?" she asked.

"No" he said.

"Then what's going on with you two? You wouldn't let go of eachother normally and now you barely are near her" she said, remembering when she would find wanda playing all alone while pietro was around all the men laughing. She remembered seeing from wanda's body language how sad and lonely she looked.

It seemed like only nat was really making an effort with the girl and it broke her heart.

"She's a baby" he said angrily.

Nat frowned, "what do you mean she's a baby?"

"She's boring and always wants to play stupid games with me" he said with an angry face.

Nat didn't expect this, "pietro she only ever had you her whole life, of course she'll want to play games with you"

"She's a stupid baby!" he yelled before storming out to find steve again.

Nat pinched the bridge of her nose, she understood that pietro wouldn't want to spend every second with wanda like she does but it doesn't excuse him completely ignoring her and calling her names.

No one noticed wanda was stood outside to the side in tears as she heard everything. She wanted to go and run to nat for comfort but that would make her a baby so she can't, instead she turned around and walked back to play alone as she replayed her brother's words in her head.

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