Chapter 1

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This is heavily inspired by the fic on ao3 called mad world by girl under you (logodaedalus)

Natasha was glad they finally found the hydra base after months of searching and planning, she wasn't expecting to see two tiny kids covered in dirt and somewhat hiding behind one of the trees.

She could see they were a boy and a girl, the boy saw her and tensed while the girl seemed to be too distracted with placing leafs on his hair then taking them off again with a small smile, The unknown boy quickly turned his head and said something that natasha couldn't hear, the girl then spotted natasha, her smile dropped and hid behind the boy.

Natasha couldn't just leave them here so she took slow steps towards them, the boy keeping the unknown girl behind him in a protective manner.

"Hi, are you lost?" she said softly, she didn't want to scare them more than they already are. They looked like they were about to run. They kept looking at her with a strange expression before the boy pointed to the base they were just in.

"You were in there?" she said.

The boy nodded again.

She couldn't let them stay here, she could tell by the sunken cheeks of the girl and the dirt they were covered in head to toe that they were victims of that place.

"What's your names?" natasha asked, one wrong move and they could make a run for it.

This time she didn't get an answer. She had to get them back to the compound, they looked like they were starving and dehydrated. She felt her heart break at the sight of them.

"I have some food and water for you in that over there if you want" she said pointing to the quinjet, "nobody will hurt you I promise but you're just kids I can't let you stay here"

They both stared at eachother, looking like they were having a silent conversation. She realized the girl was slightly rocking herself but she didn't think too much about it.

She was caught a bit startled when she heard the boy speak, the accent evident in his voice, "food?"

Nat nodded, "yes, food" she smiled not wanting to seem threatening, she knew the offer to these kids would probably seem sketchy.

After a long silence, the girl's stomach grumbled and she completely hid behind the boy with a panicked expression.

"Pietro" he said.

The redhead was a bit confused before she realized, "Is that your name?"

"Da and wanda"

"Pietro and wanda, those are very beautiful names" she said still smiling.

Her knees were starting to hurt but she was making progress with them and she couldn't let it go to waste.

Pietro kept looking between his sister and the jet, she could tell he was weighing his options because the girl was hungry.

"If we go" he started, "no hurt?"

"Exactly no hurt I promise"

She didn't know how she did it but now pietro and wanda were on the jet with a pack of biscuits that were actually hers that she keeps hidden from the guys. She still hadn't heard a word from the girl which confused her.

Wanda's actions seemed to be clumsily then pietro, she sat next to them with her legs crossed slowly and gave them each a water bottle. She took notice how the girl looked at her with a nervous expression and how pietro always took the first sip or bite before wanda did. The russian admired the protectiveness but also made her heart sting.

She did learn they are twins but their age was still an unknown thing as were their surname. She hoped she was doing the right thing and that things will be looking better for the twins.

idk what age to do them but definitely young so any suggestions about their age pls tell me :)

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