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p.s. this was written on a phone

p.s. if you want jump straight in just find the 6th color bar why did I write so many irrelevant shet dbdnsnsmms

p.s. there's this random glitch that won't show the rest of the words after the word monsters so uh wops

 there's this random glitch that won't show the rest of the words after the word monsters so uh wops

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Today, I'm shocked. Why? Because..

I somehow got into college.

I stare at the college acceptance letter in disbelief.

"WOOHOO!! WOOHOOHOO!!" I scream and jump in joy. "I GOT IN" I say, repeatedly. "What's that?" your mom asks. "I GOT ACCEPTED INTO [college name]!!" You continue jumping around in joy as your mother congratulates you. "You should tell Rhai! I think she'd be delighted to hear that!" She suggests. You grabbed your phone and dialed her number. "RHIRHI" "WHAT I'M THE ONE WHOS SUPPOSED TO SHOUT" She screams back at you. "I GOT INTO COLLEGE!" you exclaim in delight. "Well guess what, I got in too!" She replies. "ALRIGHT! NOW WE CAN GO TOGETHER!" You were really excited, but was actually surprised that she got into college, knowing her test scores when she was in highschool. "Well, if I remember the letter says we have a week to pack up so we can go and move into a dorm." "Mm... I'll just pack up later" she replies. "Eh... knowing you, you'd probably pack up a day after the deadline." you knew that she had a habit of doing things later. So, in order for her to arrive on the campus on time, "I'm coming over tomorrow alright? I know how messy your room is" "Ah yeah okay" she agrees.

"Well I gotta hang up now, gotta go and uh pack up now" you really were excited to go to college, since you promised yourself to study well in order for you to get your dream job. "Okayy, byee!" She says, before hanging up. ' she was probably with her loverboy, that's why she was in a rush. ' I thought. I go upstairs and open my bedroom door. "Honey, do you need something to put your things in?" My mom asks me while she was doing something downstairs. "Yeah! Like uhh.. a suitcase!" you reply, as you pick out some clothes that you would like to bring. She comes up to your room and brings out two large suitcases. "Here, hon. I know you have a lot of stuff so I found these two." she says as she opens the suitcases. "I still have some laundry to do, so if you need help, I'll be downstairs."

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