Chapter 10: Ember Island

Start from the beginning

Aang's POV

I love Ember Island! It's so beautiful. Once I landed Appa we all went to Zuko's family's home here. I forgot how big it actually is. We quickly picked our rooms, Toph got a whole room to herself while I shared with Katara and Zuko shared with Sokka. "So what do you guys want to do today?" I asked everybody. "Beach Party!" Sokka yelled, ripping his shirt off. We all ran down to the beach. Katara was water surfing while Toph, Sokka, and I were having a sand sculpture competition with Zuko judging us. Toph barely beat my Momo sand sculpture with her map of the Fire Festival. Sokka came dead last with his horrible sculpture of Katara. "What on earth is that supposed to be Sokka?" Zuko asked in disbelief. "Is that an Elephant fish?" I asked. "No it's Katara!" Sokka yelled angrily. We all started laughing at him. "Katara is way prettier than that thing!" I told him laughing. "I think it looks great Sokka. You put in quite the effort!" Katara said, now standing beside him. "I know! Zuko has no taste!" "That's why he's dating you." Toph remarked back. "Ouch!" Katara said. I was now laughing even harder. Toph has some of the best roasts ever. "That's not true, I think I have great taste." Zuko exclaimed looking at Sokka, making Sokka blush. Then it started to rain like crazy. "You gotta be kidding me!" Sokka said. "Here I got this," Katara said while she started to bend the rain, turning it into a sphere so we could all stay dry. "Wow, that's beautiful," I said, examining the water dome. "I can teach you how to do it if you want." She offered. "Okay!" I exclaimed. We walked off a little bit and she broke the dome. "Hey you are getting us all wet!" Toph yelled at Katara. "Just wait a second, I'm just teaching Aang something." She called back. "Now focus your energy into the rain from the sky. Sense the water droplets falling. Now once you sense them try to stop them." Katara told me. I focused my breathing and tried to sense the water in the sky. "I'm doing it! I'm stopping the rain!" "Good, now try to make the water touch each other. Try to focus on combining them and making them one huge droplet." I tried and failed. "It's okay. Think of the water connected as one and not separate." I focused a little harder and made a small water dome. "See you did it!" Katara said, hugging me. "Well I had a great teacher." I told her and then kissed her.

Zuko's POV

Soon everybody decided to go back inside. While we were walking back Sokka shoved me out of Katara's bending circle, getting me covered in mud. "Hey!" I exclaimed. "Sorry." Sokka smirked. I then grabbed Sokka out of the water circle, shoving him on the ground with me, getting him covered in mud. "Sorry," I replied sarcastically. Sokka then jumped on top of me and we were wrestling in the mud. "Just leave them," Toph told Aang and Katara, as they continued to walk away from us. While we were wrestling Sokka kicked some mud down my shirt. "You're going to pay for that." I told him, "Oooooh I'm so scared." Sokka teased. I then tackled him to the ground and we were rolling back down the hill towards the beach. While we were both rolling down the hill we were trying to throw mud at each other. Once we reached the bottom of the hill we were both filthy. Sokka started to laugh hysterically. "You look horrible!" Sokka said, looking down at me while sitting on top of my hips, "And you don't?" I started to laugh pulling Sokka down onto my body. He then grabbed onto my shirt and kissed me. The rain was pouring down like crazy yet all I could feel was Sokka's touch and his lips. "You now look a lot better." Sokka said, "You like that huh?" I pulled Sokka down even harder, touching his back with my muddy palms. We started to play fight while we were laughing. "Can't touch this!" Sokka said, moving his head like crazy while he softly punched my abs. I quickly grabbed his head and kissed his lips. The kiss was passionate but kind-of short. "We're both filthy!" Sokka said, taking off his shirt and I did the same. I grabbed onto his hand and we ran into the ocean.

I started to rub off the mud from my body but the Sokka grabbed my hip and started rubbing my back. I did the same for him, we were both washing the mud off of each other's body. I then turned away to wash my face. Once I turned around Sokka was nowhere to be seen. "Sokka? Sokka, where are you?" No response. I looked down at the water and could see bubbles. "Sokka!" I screamed. I quickly ducked my head underneath the water desperately trying to find his body. I was panicking. "Sokka!" I yelled one more time before diving back into the water. Then I felt something tickle my foot. I looked down and saw Sokka bowling bubbles in my face. "What on earth was that Sokka! You gave me a heart attack!" Sokka was laughing. "You should have seen the look on your face! It was priceless!" "Sorry for caring! I thought that something serious had happened to you!" Sokka then grabbed onto me and hugged me. I hugged him back before letting go. "I'm still going to be mad at you for that." I told him. Sokka held my hand and he squeezed it. "I know but it was worth it." I sighed. We then fell back into the water and started floating with our hands connected. I was definitely not going to let him go after the stunt that he pulled. "Maybe Toph was right, maybe I do have bad taste." "Oh shut up!" Sokka joked. I smiled, "I've never been so happy before. I really like being with you. Except for the prank you pulled, definitely didn't like that." Sokka chuckled, turning to face me. "I like being with you too." I squeezed his hand harder while getting lost in his ocean blue eyes.

Katara's POV

 Once Sokka and Zuko came back we decided to go into the village to find some food for dinner. I was holding Aang's hand the entire time. "I hate fifth wheeling! Like I'm truly happy for all of you but come on! I feel like an impostor all the time." Toph exclaimed after seeing Zuko and Sokka holding hands. "You're not an impostor Toph," I told her. Sokka then wrapped his arm around her shoulder but still continued to hold Zuko's hand. "More like a really annoying pet." Sokka teased her. Toph then punched him hard, smiling. Once we got all the food we started to ask the town people about The New Ozai Society. Most people knew nothing, some people didn't even know about what happened at the Fire festival. "Look there's another play about us!" Sokka said, pointing to the theatre. "I'm never watching an Ember Island play about us ever again," I told him. "Look, that's the Cabbage Merchant from Lizhou!" Zuko said, pointing out the man. "Buy two cabbages and get one free!" The man said. "Hey you!" I called out to him. "What were we doing with The New Ozai Society?" Zuko yelled at him. "I don't know what you are talking about. Care for cabbage?" "Tell us what you were doing with The Warden and Azula at Port Lizhou or we'll destroy all your cabbages!" Sokka told the Cabbage Merchant. "No! Not my cabbages!" He cried, "Then talk!" I ordered him. "I need business! I don't care if you are Fire Nation, Earth Kingdom, criminal or not. As long as you love cabbages I will sell them to you." He said. Zuko then burned one cabbage cart. "Not my cabbages!" He sobbed. "More details now!" I ordered again. "The cabbages are used to feed their loyal supporters in prison. Please, I don't know anymore after I was fired because 2 of my cabbage carts didn't have cabbages in them." "See, was that so hard? We'll take a box of cabbages please." Aang said, buying some cabbages from the merchant. We then headed back to the house for dinner.

Sokka's POV

Dinner was great other than the cabbages. They tasted really bad. We spent the rest of the night playing games. Before we all went to our rooms Aang wanted to show off a new fire bending technique Zuko had taught him during my Pai Sho game against Katara. After that I took Zuko's hand and we went to our room. We then bruised our teeth and started to take off our clothes for bed. "What does it feel like to fire bend?" I asked him. "What do you mean?" "Like how it feels to generate fire and feel it leave your body?" "I don't know, it's hard to explain... But I can show you." "How?" "Come here." I walked over to the center of the room where he was standing. Zuko grabbed my hips pulling me into his body. "Put your arms out in front of your body with your fingertips facing the sky." I did what he said. Zuko then placed both his arms on the outside of arms pressing his arms into mine. "Now breathe in." I could now feel his breath on my neck. I breathed in and then Zuko fire bent. I could feel the fire roll down my arm tingling me while it moved from my shoulders to my hands and then out to the air. "Woah! That's so cool!" I exclaimed. Zuko then twisted my hips to face him. He then placed one hand on my jaw and kissed me. "I'm glad you like that. But even though bending is cool, it's not nearly as amazing as you," Zuko said. "I know." I kissed him back, "But I do like this." Zuko smiled and quickly blew out the candles so we could make out. His body felt great against mine. As Zuko fell onto the bed I could feel every muscle in his body contract and I could feel his grip tightened around my biceps. His tongue circled around mine and I could feel myself longing for more and thankful he would give me more. At the same time we started to move down each other's necks, sucking it hard. Zuko definitely knew how to use his mouth. We went back and forth between kissing each other's lips, feeling each other's bodies with our hands and mouths, as well as giving each other hickies on our necks. We were going to have a lot after this. I now wrapped my hands on Zuko's lower back pulling him in closer. I went on top of him and started to do him. His skin felt electric and his lips were warm and soft. It felt so perfect being attached to him. I could feel his strong body against mine. His muscles were huge but lean. He was so handsome. The six pack on his stomach felt so good while I kissed it. Once I made my way from his body to his lips I whispered. "I love you Zuko." He then pulled my head to his lips, kissing and squeezing me harder, "I love you so much Sokka." My heart skipped a thousand beats and we threw ourselves all over each other doing much more than just making out. Once we finished I laid my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around my body. I had one hand on his pelvis and the other on his shoulder. "I truly mean that. I love you Zuko," I whispered, closing my eyes. Zuko buried his face in my hair. "I know, I really love you too, Sokka." I smiled, feeling Zuko's skin getting warmer. Then I peacefully fell asleep on my beautiful, perfect man.

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