Chapter Eleven : The Change of hearts

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In the hushed embrace of their bedroom, Sunghoon and Sunwoo sat side by side. The room exuded a sense of confusion. The soft glow of a paper lantern cast gentle, golden hues upon the room, its warm light reflecting in the depths of their eyes. The low futon mattress was spread comfortably across the room on which they both sat upon. In the stillness, the only sounds were the faint rustling of curtains in the breeze and the occasional chirping of crickets outside their window. The weight of the moment before hung heavily in the room. They sat facing each other, the flickering candles casting dancing shadows on their faces.

In the quiet of their shared space, Sunghoon finally broke the heavy silence.
"My wife," Sunghoon paused, "or should I call you that? I don't feel worthy of being your husband!" He dropped his face with shame.

"No my Lord, it is I who have been unworthy of you!" Sunwoo spoke sincerely. Because for Sunwoo, for whatever he had witnessed of or had experienced of being under Sunghoons care is that, despite keeping secrets about his job, has always been a considerate husband and filial Son. Sunwoo really meant what he said. If someone is to apologize, it should be him for deceiving everyone.

Sunghoon slightly lifted his gaze to look at the woman in front of him. "There is something I've kept hidden from you, something I never wanted you to be a part of." He continued, "But I think it's time to come clean to you!"

"You're worrying me, my lord. What's troubling you?" Sunwoo's eyes lifted and widened as he said those words, immediately caught by Sunghoon's unwavering gaze. He felt the other's piercing eyes and his cheeks unknowingly blushed. It's the same as the first night. They both were men but he didn't know why he was feeling this way. His heart was beating loudly and his palms were all sweaty.

Sunghoon was a bit surprised at Sunwoo's question. 'How is she not a little bit mad? Ha, of course, even though we are married, she never got attached to me enough to care about it all, right? Maybe it's too late now. It's better if our ties are severed before it's deep'. With an awkward smile he replied, "I am not who you think I am." Sunghoon sighed, slowly turning his face away from his wife. "I'm an inspector for the royal investigation agency."

He confessed to being an undercover inspector from the royal investigation agency, dispatched by the King himself to unravel the web of corruption and ethical transgressions plaguing the treasury in the southern reaches of Joseon.

"The King has grave doubts about the treasury in the southern part of Joseon, especially concerning Lord Gim, the Moksa of the Gyeongsang province."

Sunwoo's eyes widened in surprise, his mind racing to absorb the details.

"Initially it was a doubt from my superior who then reported this to the Royal magistrate. The Magistrate on behalf of the King had appointed spies in Gyeongsang." Sunghoon continued to explain as Sunwoo listened with at most attention. "Whispers from covert agents had already hinted at possible illegal activities, and the Emperor sought to bring Lord Gim to justice. And I.."

Sunghoon paused for a second and looked at the other. Sunwoo was eager to hear the rest, "..... and you?" He asked.

"And my marriage to you, was an arrangement by my senior"

Sunwoo looked unfazed to Sunghoons surprise.

"It was not to hurt you," Sunghoon said, "I married you as part of my duty, but over time, I've come to deeply admire you, Da-hee"

Hearing that name, Sunwoo gasped a bit. To be honest, from the moment he knew Sunghoon was an agent from the Royal investigation agency, he had already come to the conclusion about his marriage. Sunghoon's mission was clear: gather enough evidence to summon the powerful Lord Gim to the royal court for a trial. And for that he took his daughter as his bride to have access to Lord Gim's secrets. But what made him gasp was the name Da-hee. Except for the women's clothings and fashion, he hadn't thought of him as Da-hee. He was still Sunwoo and it was still Sunwoo who married Sunghoon.

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