Chapter two - The floral stamp

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At night, the tavern's rooms were lit with oil lamps and lanterns. In one of its large rooms, the guy from earlier was involved in a conversation earnestly with another man. That man was about sixty to sixty-five in age; he wore a uniform with the royal emblem on it. He must be a significant person. The young man seemed to have the at-most respect for the other guy as he would listen to him seriously; meanwhile, the atmosphere seemed mysterious, and both talked in secrecy.

"I must know whether you are up to the task!" said the old man, "it's not an easy job to gather substantial evidence against the man!"

"I know, Sir. It's not a simple task. That's why I need your guidance." The guy bowed at the older man.

"You're Bak Sunghoon, the eldest son of Lord Bak Kwangho." The old man pointed at Sunghoon and continued, "You are already of a noble status! Moreover, Lord Gim Dong-geun has a daughter of marriage age."

"What are you implying, my lord?" Sunghoon asked

"I suggest you marry the girl and infiltrate the Gim family." The older adult was determined in his voice, like he had planned it for a long time.

But those words got Sunghoon a bit confused. He never thought about marrying someone to complete his mission was not in his plan. Although he is a secret agent of the Royal Investigation Agency, he is still a man of his principles. For him, marrying without love is like wasting time and energy on something that doesn't fulfil the needs of both parties involved. Sunghoon grew up watching the love, respect and friendship shared by his parents. He knows the value of love in a person's life. If he is ever going to get married one day, he wants to do it for love. But he is a person who takes his work seriously, and that's why he can't object to his master's order.

"Will lord Gim believe me if I propose?" Sunghoon asked.

"Why wouldn't he? You must ask your parents first, and the rest they will do!" The old man said, "But don't disclose your real intention to your parents. Let them think that it's a real marriage!"

Sunghoon doesn't like the idea of marrying someone for selfish needs like money or status or even for something like what he is about to do. He must find some other effective alternative ways to infiltrate the Gim family. As he was thinking hard about those things, the old master got up from his chair. He was about to depart. Sunghoon stood up as well to bid the other farewell. As both of them walked outside to the horse carriage, the elder one turned to Sunghoon and said, "Don't think much. Marrying the daughter is the only way!"

The old master got up on his horse carriage, and the rider rode it toward the city. Sunghoon was standing there still contemplating. He slowly touched the small silk cloth hanging from the side of his belt, which he tore from the girl from the morning incident. The silk fabric was soft, just like that girl's skin. He slowly rode his palm through the soft silk, feeling its tenderness and innocence.

Being Sunghoon, jongsaeng was standing. He cleared his throat to gain the attention of the Young man in front of him. When the latter turned to Jongsaeng, he immediately asked, "Sir, what would you like for dinner? It would be convenient for me to prepare the meal if you have any specifications."

"I am not particular about the food, just that it should be hygienic. That's it!"

Jongsaeng nodded okay but was stalled by seeing the silk fabric piece in Sunghoon's hand. He asked, "is it the cloth from that girl?"

Sunghoon turned to face Jongsaeng. "Do you know what this symbol means?" He asked the apprentice and showed him the floral stamp on the silk. Jongsaeng wanted to touch the cloth for a better look, but Sunghoon pulled the fabric back.

"It's a cloth from the Gim family. The tailor-made dress for the youngest daughter of Lord Gim carries a floral print. An artisan in the city especially makes it with silk of higher grade."

"How do you know this?" Sunghoon asked the guy.

"A few years back, I was working in a tailor Shop. Still today, I love making dresses," jongsaeng happily replied. Soon his face turned blue, and he sighed deeply, "Aah! I ended up being a cook!"

"How come?" Sunghoon asked.

"That's a big story.... It's of no use telling it now!" Jongsaeng Sighed, "Come Sir, I will prepare dinner for you!" He swiftly returned to the tavern, and Sunghoon stood there while clutching the cloth.

"Is she Lord Gim's daughter?" Sunghoon thought.

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