Chapter 75: Paradise Under Siege

Start from the beginning

Wonder Girl: "Ready for what? Have the gods told you anything?"

Hippolyta: "No, that is not their way. They will share all they need to when they are ready. But we must watch for their signs."

Wonder Girl: "They've taken on mortal forms before. I don't get why they can't just come down here and tell us what the problem is? Why make us wait and lose valuable time?"

Hippolyta: "As I've said, you have a lot to learn. Your study of the gods may be considered boring by your standards, but it is essential knowledge for our way of life."

Wonder Girl groaned as memories of studying in the island's library flashed back to her. The ancient texts were difficult to read and far from a page turner.

She found herself missing the technology of man's world and would give anything to read under a desk lamp over the candles the library provided.

As the morning dragged on into the afternoon, the two women continued their route across the beach. The waves gently rolled up along the soft sand before retreating to the sea.

Wonder Girl: "Look, it looks like bits of a shipwreck."

The two women came up on a small splinter of wood and climbed down from their horses.

Wonder Girl: "It looks like a piece of a table."

Hippolyta: "Our magic should've prevented it from finding our shores."

Wonder Girl: "You said the gods work in mysterious ways. This could be a sign."

Hippolyta: "The gods would not bother sending a shattered table as a sign. There must be more."

It didn't take long for the pair to find what they were looking for. A short distance away, on her side in the wet sand was an unconscious Zatanna.

The amazons raced to Zatanna's side and pushed her onto her back.

Hippolyta: "Someone from man's world should never have been able to make it to our island."

Wonder Girl: "This isn't just a random woman from the outside world. This is Zatanna... she's still breathing, we need to get her some medical help!"

Hippolyta: "Help get her onto the saddle, I'll have the guards start searching the beaches the second we get back."


Zatanna groaned as her eyes slowly opened. She was freezing cold yet the room had a warm aura to it. The silk bed sheets hugged her body and were light but still heavy enough to make her feel comfortable.

She tried to sit up but shivered the second her shoulders emerged from the blanket. It was only then that she realized she was completely naked and her heart rate skyrocketed.

Wonder Girl: "Sorry. Our doctors had to remove your cold and wet clothing to get you warm as fast as possible. The clothes you had were mostly ruined anyway. I'll get you something to wear in a bit, but you need to stay in bed for now."

Zatanna turned in shock at the sight of Wonder Girl and an older woman standing beside her.

Zatanna: "Where... where am I?"

Wonder Girl: "You're on Themyscira, home of the Amazons. This is Queen Hippolyta, Wonder Woman's mother."

The queen of the amazons stepped forward, studying the magician with her eyes as Zatanna awkwardly shrunk back beneath the blankets into the safety of the bed.

Zatanna: "Thank you for saving me."

Hippolyta: "You practice magic. The aura of the mystic arts surrounds your body. Your presence here is no mere coincidence."

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