He sighed in my ear, "Now what?"

"Shut up and relax," I huffed. I leaned my head back against his shoulder. One of my hands traced along his tattoo sleeve, down his forearm, to the last traces of ink by his wrists, and wove my fingers between his. I relaxed my body completely and slowly let my eyes shut. My head turned to the side so that I was breathing in his beautiful, natural scent that was now being mixed with the sweet smell of roses.

I felt his chest rise as he took a deep breath, and heard a happy sigh as he exhaled. I smiled, "Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Of course, I'm naked with you," he murmured.

I giggled softly at him, "Seriously though, it's nice right?"

He let out another relaxing sigh. And then I felt him nod his head. I took a nice, deep cleansing breath as well and relaxed even more into his body. My fingers were mindlessly playing with Michael's, weaving around each other and touching fingertips and tracing to outline of the other's hand. His hand let go of mine for a second and his nails lightly scratched up the inside of my forearm. I squirmed and recoiled my arm, his touch tickling me. He chuckled, "How ticklish are you, Princess?"

"Please don't find out," I pleaded.

Even though my back was facing him I knew that he was smirking devilishly. And then in the next moment, his fingers were wiggling against my side, and then my other side, and then back to the other side. I jumped and twisted to try to get out of his reach and failed every time, causing some water to splash over the edge. I grabbed his wrists with my hands, but he slid out of my grasp and continued to torture me with his tickles. I had reached the point where I had stopped laughing and began gasping for breath. I lunged out of his grasp and sat myself down on the opposite side of the tub.

I caught my breath and crossed my arms over my chest. Michael looked at me, smiling like an idiot. "I don't like being tickled," I grumbled.

"I can see that," he said through his smile. He reached his hand out to me but I gently pushed it away with a pout on my face. "Can you come back over here please?"

I ignored him and looked over the edge of the tub at the water that had splashed over the edge. "You made a mess. Again."

Michael became impatient extremely quickly. He rolled his eyes and pulled me back over to his lap. A few giggles escaped my lips as I wrapped my legs around his middle and held his neck in my hands. I rested my forehead against his and kissed him. He held me by my waist while his fingers slowly rubbed my bare skin.

"Michael?" I whispered.


"I don't want to start an argument, I just want to know..."

He chuckled, "Tread lightly then, Princess."

I smiled. "When did you think- I mean... At what time..." The words were not working out for me.

"When did I consider us a couple?" He filled in my blank. I nodded my head. He took his tongue stud between his teeth and played with it for a minute. "Well, I knew that things were serious our second to last session. I asked that stupid ass question that made me feel so dumb and freaked you out for like half an hour. After that, I knew that I didn't want to just fool around anymore. I knew that this was serious. And then I first knew I loved you the morning after our huge gig. I was holding onto you and I never wanted to let you go." He had his hands flat on my back, holding me tight against his chest like he did that day. "Then I really thought that we were... official I guess, after our night together in the field. We were on the hood of my shitty little car, you were in my arms and everything felt right. I told you I loved you then, but I guess you didn't hear me. It just slipped out of my mouth, and even though I meant it, I was scared to bring it up again. But in my mind, that was when we really began."

8 Sessions /michael au/Where stories live. Discover now