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Michael and I had scheduled today's session, our last session, at my house after school. When I passed him in the hall earlier, he put his arm around my waist and told me to wait for him in the parking lot after school. There were more stares, more whispers. All because of our parking lot kiss, which happened to spread around the school faster than a fire in the dry trees in California.

When I was on my way out of the building, I was stopped by my English teacher. "Ally, I'm glad I caught you," she said, "Do you mind talking to me for a minute?"

I nodded and followed her into her classroom. I really loved her as a teacher, she had that sweet mom-like approachability. But then her sweet smile was gone and replaced by a less enthusiastic one, a more somber grin. "Ally, I shouldn't be telling you this, but your Advanced Literature final has been graded. And... you scored a two."

My jaw dropped. "A two?!?" I said, my voice a shocked squeak. A two? Out of five? On an English exam? I worked so hard in this class, I studied the whole night before and I get a two? The lowest I've ever scored on an Advanced or Honors test is a was enough to pass. Most colleges will accept anything close to passing, but a two is basically failing. No college would give credit for a two. "I don't understand, how..." I trailed off still in shock.

"It was a difficult test," Bullshit, I knew it was simple, she just wanted to make me feel better. "And everyone has off days, Ally." I sighed heavily and looked down at my nails. I was so disappointed with myself, how could I have done that? I nodded to her, accepting the fact that I basically failed my final even though they always say, "Technically speaking you can never fail an Advanced exam."

"You're an amazing student Ally, don't get hung up on this."

I nodded and murmured a goodbye and left her room. I tried my best to walk through the halls with my head up high, but I couldn't. I couldn't muster up any confidence or pride, it was all gone as soon as I heard her say, "two".

I walked out to the parking lot and saw Michael leaning against his car. He stood up when he saw me walking his way. "Good afternoon Princess."

"Let's go," I said flatly before getting into my car. He didn't question, he didn't argue. He took one look at me and knew that I wanted to get out of here and did just as I said getting into his own car and driving away.

I was speeding the whole drive home, Michael's car trailing behind mine at the legal speed limit. When we finally reached my house I pulled into the driveway and ripped my keys from the ignition, not caring that I'd parked my car at an angle. I trudged up to my front door with Michael trailing a couple feet behind me. I got my keys out to unlock the front door, my frustration and disappointment causing my fingers to shake. My keys slipped out of my hands and fell to the ground. I swore loudly and felt the burning of tears behind my eyes. Michael calmly picked up my keys and unlocked my door allowing me to violently swing the door open. As soon as Michael gently shut the door behind him, I screamed from the top of my lungs. I closed my eyes, balled up my fists and screamed until my throat was raw.

A few tears trailed down my cheeks and I collapsed on the first couple steps of the staircase. I put my head in my hands and heaved air in and out of my lungs. I sat there for a moment, trying to recollect myself. I heard footsteps coming towards me, and then the creaking of the stairs as Michael sat down next to me. He put a comforting hand on my back, his fingernails tracing up and down my spine. I took one last shaky breath. "I'm sorry," I said as I exhaled.

"It's fine," he whispered back to me. I liked that he wasn't pestering me for answers or telling me to calm down. He let me get everything out and never even questioned why. My breathing returned to a normal pace and he asked in a soft voice, "You okay, Princess?"

8 Sessions /michael au/Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant