
     Kahlan has me pack, what she calls, a 'go bag' to bring on our trip. It holds an extra pair of clothes and a few other essentials, and that's it. I'm not sure what I'll need the bag for since we'll only be gone for a little over twenty four hours, but I suppose it's better to be safe than sorry.
     Once everyone's ready to go, we all pile into a single SUV and we're off. Mariam is driving, with Kahlan in the passenger seat, and Cas and I are in the backseats. It's already nighttime and I enjoy the few stars that manage to shine through the lights of the city as we drive on to the airport. Kahlan's told me we're not flying commercial so I waste no time with attempting to prepare myself to fit in with the masses. I let myself hum long forgotten songs and ask Kahlan questions about modern day air flight. I haven't been on a plane since my last flight with Pan Am in the 30s and I want to be prepared for new advances.
     "It's not a whole lot different," Kahlan tells me as Mariam parks and we all get out of the car. "At least I don't think so. You can't smoke anymore, that's for sure."
     I nod and follow Kahlan as her and Mariam lead us to a private plane just for us. It's huge and white, and there's stairs leading into the hulking thing. Kahlan nudges me, since I've been gaping at the flying machine, and I climb up into it after everyone else does. Then the stairs retract behind me and the door is shut, a flight attendant watching me. She waits for me to take my seat and then goes about her business.
     "It's going to be a long flight," Kahlan says, stretching out her legs. "Did you bring something to entertain yourself?"
     I poke and squeeze the fancy leather seat beneath me, then tap at the arms. "No. But I'll be okay."
     "Hm, okay. The bathroom's over there if you need it."
     Nodding, I stretch out my legs, too. Mariam and Cas are sitting on the other side of the plane, side by side, mirroring Kahlan and I. It's like a tiny, cozy home in here. There's even a little TV hanging on the wall.
     Mariam puts headphones on her head, her entertainment, while Cas curls up in her seat for a nap. Kahlan has taken out a worn book to read to keep herself occupied, and I decide to simply wait. I'm not tired yet so I'll sit here until I am. I shift my weight, listening to the soft hum of Mariam's music, and prepare for a long flight.

     As soon as we land things begin quicker than I thought. I assumed we would have a moment to relax and stretch but instead we're all ushered into a U.S. army base and briefed again. We're informed about the strike team that will be backing up Cas and I, and Mariam and Kahlan are given spaces to sit among the other tech guys that will be listening in on the mission.
     Apparently me, Cas, and the strike team will be dropped into a war zone and then given directions on where to go via earbuds. All of this will happen at night, which isn't for a few hours, but still everyone is moving. The strike team is readying their weapons, the plan is being prepared, and the tech people are making sure their equipment is up to snuff. Then I'm handed new clothes to wear- ugly, dark garments for stealth. At least blood won't show.
     "Put this in your ear," Kahlan tells me when I'm dressed and it's almost time for Cas and I to go. She hands me a little device and instructs me again to put it in my ear. "You'll be able to hear me and I'll be able to hear you."
     I make sure the device is secure and nod. "Okay."
     "Do not do anything reckless, understand? This is a get in, get out kind of job. And please work with Cas. You need to watch out for each other."
     I nod again and glance at Cas, who's getting the same speech from Mariam a few feet away. She's wearing the same thing I am. Cas nods as well and gives me a two fingered salute. I do the same and then we're united and ushered to a long helicopter, the big doors on the sides already open. The strike team accompanying us enters the machine first and takes up positions by the doors, each of them grabbing a hand hold near the ceiling. Cas and I go in next and take the free handholds left. Mariam and Kahlan stand outside, Mariam smiling while Kahlan looks worried. Then the helicopter starts up and they run off to safety near the tech guys.
     "You ever done something like this?" Cas yells over the noise of the helicopters blades. It's unnecessary since my hearing is advanced, but I think it's just habit.
     "Not like this," I yell back. This situation feels insanely serious. The strike team's faces make that clear. "What should I expect?"
     Cas rakes a hand through her hair. "Just don't die."
     That's easy enough. I've lasted this long, and I plan on remaining on this Earth for much longer.
     The helicopter drones on and all of us inside are allowed to see down below, the doors still open. It seems like a hazard but no one says anything so I keep my mouth shut. The dusty air enters my nose and mouth, and I squint as I pull up the bandana one of the members of the strike team gave me earlier over my lower face. I didn't know why I'd need it then but I understand now.
     I look over at Cas and see that she's done the same, but her bandana is red while mine is black. The strike team has their own bandanas but they have goggles as well to keep the air and dirt from their eyes. I would ask for a pair but I really don't need them. It's not like we're going to be in this helicopter forever, anyway.
     I tighten my grip on my handhold and stare down at the sandy wasteland below, waiting patiently for us to reach our destination. We pass little towns and villages on our way, the stone buildings old and dirty, drying out clothes and things connecting them. There are a few more advanced towns here and there and I wonder if the technology will spread, if us invaders will allow it.
     "Here we go," one of the members of the strike team yells. They all grab hold of ropes rolled up and attached to the ceiling, then they jump out of the helicopter one by one. As they land the rope retracts back to its holster and it's just Cas and I left behind.
     "See you down there," she says, falling backwards out into open air, one hand holding the rope.
     I watch her land gracefully beside the strike team and her rope comes back as it's supposed to. Shrugging, I take my rope then jump. The fall isn't as long as I thought it would be and I land with a thump, my rope already retracting.
     As the helicopter leaves and the dust around me settles, I pull down the bandana on my face and look around. "This is a war zone?" I whisper. The buildings are ravaged but there isn't anyone out and about.
     "We're on the outskirts," one of the members of the strike team says, a woman. "Even the few people here have to sleep, too, though."
     I hum and follow along as the team moves, their footsteps quiet enough but their weapons and gear clunking annoyingly.
     "Why couldn't you do this on your own again?" Cas asks. "Your team seems like they'd do just fine."
     The woman from the team answers, and I realize that she's the leader. "We're not equipped to handle the subject."
     "Yes. He's like you."
     "There's no one like me," Cas scoffs.
     "Cas, he's a failure," Mariam's voice suddenly buzzes into my ear. "He's unstable."
     Cas groans and jumps over a large chunk of concrete. "I thought we already established the treatment doesn't mix well with testosterone."
     "Yeah, like that's going to stop them from trying."
     I wonder at the conversation, piecing together how Cas was made, and how others probably died. "So why is he with the enemy?" I ask curiously. "Shouldn't he still be in our custody?"
     "He escaped," Kahlan says into my ear. "He doesn't know who's friend or who's foe. Right now we're foe. Everyone is."
     "If he's a failure," Cas says, "Then why are we retrieving him? Shouldn't he be terminated?"
     "They think they can still fix him," Mariam sighs, clearly irritated by the whole situation.
     Cas sighs as well. "Idiots."
     The team halts and the conversation stops as a new, unfamiliar voice gives us directions on where to go next. Apparently they can see us, or are tracking us, and know we're close.
     "Be careful," Kahlan tells us. "We don't occupy this area."
     The team carefully moves again, their weapons at the ready, and Cas and I take up the rear.
     "How do we know this failure is here?" Cas whispers.
     The leader of the strike team turns her head slightly to look at Cas. "Tracker in his arm." She refocuses ahead of her. "Now split up, keep in contact. Find him. No casualties if you can help it."
     The team veers off in different directions, then so do Cas and I. I go west to inspect a nearby building and wonder what the failure will look like. Will he be a normal human like Cas? Or something monstrous? If he's unstable then how does he function? And why doesn't the treatment blend with testosterone?
     There isn't much time to think on it, because the sound of gunfire cuts through the night, and I run toward it, knowing it's in the direction Cas went.

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