Chapter 4 : The First Night

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Author Note:  This is one of the first drawings I've decided to show.  I may do this more often.  I may not.  Depends on how comfortable I am with it.  But I hope you like it.  Also, I changed the cover slightly.  

2024 author note:  uhhh, Update Version I forgot to put in. 


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Third POV:

Bryan walked silently into his room after that long day. He didn't know what to think, what to say. He didn't know how to hide other than what he had already done. But Bryan knew this wasn't the time to "pretend." He couldn't smile and say he was okay this time. Dylan and Adrien were taken away. And his mother said it was better to be separated. Bryan thought otherwise. He didn't understand why Adrien, Dylan, and he had to be apart. Bryan couldn't understand why he lied, why no one noticed he lied. Right before Dylan and Adrien were taken, they noticed he wasn't okay. But Bryan couldn't say anything. He didn't want to tell them what he saw. And yet......when Candy walked over to see if he was okay. While Blank seemed to be in shock at the situation. Bryan couldn't tell them. Bryan shut his bedroom door and sat down, leaning against it. He brought his knees against his chest and wrapped his arms around them. Bryan's eyes became glassy with tears as they dripped and fell. He couldn't understand why Vincent did it. He couldn't understand why they both lied. They were both there, yet only one knew it. Bryan could feel himself growing tired and looked at the alarm clock by his bed. He was at the Theater for so long today, it was already past nine. Bryan yawned and walked over to his bed, not even bothering to change into his PJs. Bryan laid down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling before he closed his eyes. But when he thought he was only asleep for a few minutes. He looked over at the alarm clock, it was already midnight. Bryan thought it was odd, he never woke up at this time. But he shrugged it off and attempted to fall back asleep. BANG. Something slammed against his door. Ssscreeeak. Now something that sounded like claws were being dragged across the wood floor. Bryan looked around and grabbed a flashlight, along with Sailor Uranus's sword. He held the blade with a firm grip and looked all around his room before finally checking under his bed. Bryan lay on his stomach and shined the flashlight under his bed to find a monstrous version of the Rat suit staring at him with its mouth wide open, baring teeth, and glowing red eyes. Bryan screamed and scrambled away from the bed, forgetting the plastic sword. He ran out of his room, and when he looked back to make sure the Rat didn't follow. Bryan rammed into something that felt like wood. "Ouch." The house was dark, making it so Bryan couldn't see without a light. He grabbed the flashlight and shone it on what was in front of him. Bryan gasped, standing over him was a large and tall puppet. With a ripped-up blue bowtie and blue cheeks and long lines going down its face. The puppet that Bryan knew as Vinnie, was something he always loved to watch. It stared down at him for a moment. Before raising one of its clawed hands to swipe at Bryan. Bryan pushed himself off the ground and ran for his mother's room. Barely missing the claw that ripped his shirt. But not his skin. Bryan pushed open the door, and no one was there. He was confused for a moment. But knew he needed to still hide. He looked around and then saw the closet. It held most of Anna's sewing supplies but had a few empty boxes she didn't know what to do with. (That's gotta be a good hiding place. I'm still small enough that I can hide in one of the boxes.) Bryan reached for the closet door, and just as he did. A monstrous version of Cat lunged at Bryan and gave a distorted scream. It grabbed Bryan by his right arm, and when Bryan tried pulling away. It scratched his left eye, and Bryan screamed from the pain. The Cat suddenly let go. Bryan fell onto the floor and grimaced in pain. He looked up, and the Cat stood over him. But instead of advancing to attack, the Cat seemed afraid and looked at its hands. They were covered in Bryan's blood. The blood from Bryan's arm and his eye. It ran back into the closet, and Bryan was left confused. Bryan reached for his arm and when he touched the wound, he winced and jerked his uninjured arm back. Bryan examined himself, his knee was scraped and bleeding. Both his arms were bleeding, but his right arm was worse because of Cat's claw. Blood was dripping off Bryan's face from when Cat scratched his eye. (Oooww. That hurts a lot.) Bryan fought back the tears that were trying to form by rapidly blinking his eyes. It didn't work. "sniff. What's going on?" Bryan, still able to thankfully use his gashed arm, grabbed the flashlight from the ground. He crept through the house, quiet as a mouse. Bryan was trying to reach the staircase when he stopped and held back a gasp. With its back turned to him was the damaged Vinnie. It wasn't standing in front of the staircase. But it might as well be with how close it was. (Oh no. Not good. What do I do?) Bryan stood frozen for a moment before he clung to the wall and turned off his light. Slowly, he walked to the stairs, and the minute he reached them, he darted down the stairs before Vinnie even noticed. Bryan ran through the kitchen and around a corner. He stopped to catch his breath and turned the light back on. Hoping that Vinnie wasn't too fast and Bryan got down the stairs before it realized it was him. Sssccreeeak. The same noise of something being dragged across wood was heard. Or was it wood being dragged across the floor? Bryan dropped the flashlight and looked up. Rounding the corner was Vinnie. He sat on the ground, frozen as Vinnie stared down at him. Vinnie lifted its arm, and Bryan, with tears streaming down, lifted his left arm to use as a small wall of defense. He could feel himself being watched. Bryan felt eyes that weren't Vinnie's staring into him as he tried to reach for the flashlight. A small, quiet, and distorted whisper could be heard from the puppet. "I'm sorry......There is no better option......You lose tonight............... Young Puppeteer.........Good Night...Sleep tight."   

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