Chapter 3 : They Know

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Third POV:

"BE CAREFUL!" Yelled Molten as Bryan held a box of tools and almost tripped. "Yeah, yeah, I know. Jeez." Said Bryan as he walked into the pizzeria. Standing inside the main entrance was a tall puppet. It had claws and sharp teeth. When Bryan first met Security Puppet, it reminded him of it. Bryan could see the puppet that called itself Vinnie, but Molten couldn't. Heck, Molten walked right through the puppet when Bryan would have run into it.  Vinnie, Rat, and Cat had all been showing up during the day at the pizzeria more. Ever since that conversation with Cat, the three decided they wanted to watch Bryan during the day.  Unfortunately, they couldn't do anything about the portal or how the animatronics treat Bryan. But they at least had a better idea of how the animatronics were, other than what Bryan would tell them. Bryan glared at Vinnie before walking into the pizzeria's main room and mumbling, "I still can't get used to them." "Can't get used to who?" Asked Molten, who felt intrigued with Bryan's behavior since what happened 4 months ago. Bryan strained a smile and glanced away from Molten as he said, "No one. Sorry. Just been thinking about stuff. Besides, we need to fix Baby." Bryan walked toward the parts and service room and sat down with the tools set beside him. In front of him was Circus Baby, and half of her face was completely torn off. Molten walked in and held Baby in place as Bryan began fixing her face. Or at least starting up the process in case Molten wanted to take over. "You aren't doing it wrong." Bryan smiled and looked over at Molten, "I have been practicing." Molten glanced down and said, "For once." Suddenly a voice said, "I'm next, right?" Bryan looked in the direction the voice came from, and puzzled, said, "Wait, who, LEFTY!?" Sitting on some boxes stacked up against the wall was Lefty, who was still armless. "Yes, you're next." Said Molten. He paused and looked over to Bryan and said, "I'm surprised you didn't notice him. Then again, you do like to play oblivious." "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?" Asked Bryan who was turning red in embarrassment. Molten grinned, "Oh, nothing, nothing." Lefty laughed, and Bryan only gave a hmph as he continued to fix Baby. A few minutes of casual chatting passed by until Bryan took a look at Lefty and said, "I still can't believe Jon did that to you." Lefty shrugged, "I know. I guess I just got caught in the crossfire." Molten didn't say anything when Lefty said that. Bryan continued, "I've never seen him like that. Jon's never even been that sort of person." Lefty glanced over at Molten as he said, "People change." "And besides, who knows how many masks that man wears. Wonder how much he's faked a smile." Molten said, directing that last comment toward Bryan. Bryan flinched and looked down at what he was working on. "I don't know what you're talking about." Lefty tilted his head to the side and looking amazed he said, "Wow. I think that's one of the only lie attempts you didn't stutter on." "LIE ATTEMPT?!" Yelled Bryan. He was confused by Lefty's comment. "Oh please, don't think I'm the only one who noticed. Lefty's known since you bought him. And even though Helpy is a child AI, they can also tell." Bryan glanced back and forth between the two bears before putting down the wrench and burying his face into his hands. "Was it really that obvious?" Lefty nodded his head, and Molten shrugged. "Well, it was easy for Lefty and Helpy to notice. And I was pretty suspicious about it when I started hanging around. It wasn't until 4 months ago that it was confirmed for me. But everyone else was completely fooled. Even Afton, who, remember, killed kids and had to pretend to the public he didn't." Bryan looked up from his hands and smiled while sighing in defeat. "Oh well. Guess this round finally ended. Took a lot longer than I thought, though. I feel like I was cheated, though." Said Bryan, who was feeling quite content with how long he went. But also very unsatisfied with how long it took for someone who knew to say something. Or at least hint at it. Puzzled, Lefty asked, "Round?" Bryan looked over and nervously said, "Sorry. Did I say that? I've just been doing this for so long it's almost a game at this point." "How long have you been doing this, then?" Asked Molten, who now sounded as if he was worried. Bryan looked down at Baby and continued working on her as he spoke, "Truth be told. I don't know. Better yet, I don't even remember. I think I just started doing it at one point. It's like hide-and-seek for me. Except-" "You would be hiding every round. Is this the first time someone's noticed?" Bryan nodded. Lefty got down from the stack of boxes and sat next to Bryan. He leaned against the business owner and said, "If I had my arms, I would hug you. Why don't you tell people?" Bryan laughed before it was cut short. His smile disappeared, and Bryan looked at the portal room door before looking back at Baby and responding to Lefty's question. "I can't. Whenever I tried, I got pushed away. And whenever I did say something, everybody was upset. I can't say anything, and I won't. I guess I don't trust people with the truth anymore. So I don't show the truth, I don't tell someone I'm upset with their idea, and I don't say I hate their teasing or pressure. I deal with it and wait for it to end. And that's what I'm doing now. Whatever Springtrap's doing, I'll wait for someone to say game over. I'm not the one in control. But besides, I know that'll all end, games always end. Even if a round lasts for years." Molten stared at Bryan in shock. He thought, (That's why he's never argued with how the animatronics treat him. This is normal to him. No......It's not just normal to Bryan. It's a game to him. But he doesn't control the game. The only thing he does control is how he hides. And he knows it. He's not that idiotic, is he? And does he not know the difference between good relationships and bad ones?) The three were quiet while Bryan had gotten to a point where Molten knew he could take control. He used his wires and held Baby up while grabbing the wrench out of Bryan's hand. "M-Molten?" Said Bryan confused. "Lefty, why don't you and Bryan go wait out on the stage? I can take Baby from here. Bryan, thank you." Bryan helped Lefty up and then asked Molten, "For what?" Molten smiled, and unlike the normal grins he uses, it was kind and soft. Like when Ennard was here during Christmas. "For being yourself for once. It's nice not seeing just the idiot. I like the real you. You should show it more often." Bryan seemed stunned, but he smiled and wiped one of his eyes. Bryan also got a little sniffly. "Oh, don't start crying like a baby." Bryan's smile got bigger and he wiped the same eye again. Both eyes looked glassy and shined, you should see real happiness in his eyes for once. "I-I'm not...sniff......Just...Got some dust. sniff." Molten rolled his eye and turned to face Baby. Lefty bumped Bryan with his shoulder since he couldn't tap him. "Come on, Bryan. I think Molten has Baby. We can connect and play MineSweeper if you'd like." Bryan nodded and followed Lefty out. Lefty jumped onto his stage and sat down. Right before jumping up to join him, Bryan stood still and gripped the upper left part of his hoodie. (They don't mind me. They noticed me. The round finally ended. Maybe I don't have to keep playing. Especially if they know. Maybe things will get better. Maybe we can defeat Springtrap.) Bryan grabbed his phone and got on Lefty's stage to sit beside him. And the two friends had real laughs for once. Because Bryan didn't have to hide. And Lefty didn't care who or what Bryan was. He just wanted to be with the person that saw enough in him that they bought him and fixed his voice box. "Hey, Lefty." "Yeah?" "I hope things stay like this." "Stay like what?" "Safe, peaceful............Real."  

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