You followed the dean to her office, your mind racing with a mixture of nerves and excitement. Once behind the dark oak door, you found yourselves once again standing close to one another, your eyes locked in a heated gaze as you both tried to read the other's thoughts. It was clear that there was a strong attraction between you, but you both knew this was a dangerous game to play. Nevertheless, you couldn't resist the magnetic pull that drew you closer and closer to Leonora.

"Where's Clarissa?" You asked, shying away from the intense eye contact.

"She's still teaching," Leonora replied, her voice low and husky as she stepped closer to you. "She should be here soon." You felt her breath against your neck, sending shivers down your spine. You tried to focus on the conversation but it was growing increasingly harder with the redheaded dean so close to you.

"Is everything okay?" Lady Lesso asked, noticing how distracted you were.

You took a deep breath, attempting to calm your racing heart. "I think we should wait on Clarissa before we start talking." You stepped away, putting some much-needed distance between you and the dean, grateful that the dean didn't follow you.

You felt her piercing gaze even as you moved to sit on the sofa. She remained standing for a few moments before following you over to the seats; only she sat opposite you on a leather armchair, her gaze still on you. Watching you as you fidgeted under her careful look.

It wasn't long before the blonde appeared. Dovey had sat on the same sofa as you but kept a cushion separating you from her.

"Sorry, a few of my students had questions about the Unity ball." You'd completely forgotten about the ball. Luckily you still had until the end of the semester to get your dress.

"It's okay. We're all teachers, we understand how students can be."

"Correction, you two understand how overbearing students can be. My students know better than to keep me back after class, I have office hours for a reason." The redhead said.

Dovey rolled her eyes, "let's stop talking about teaching and start talking about why we're here."

There was a minute of silence as all three of you waited on each other to start the conversation.

Leonora, always the instigator was the first to say something, "I like you." You blushed at the revelation.

"I like you too," Clarissa added.

"I really like you both."

"I'm not sure if you know this, but Leo and I are together. And have been for quite some time. " Clarissa continued, "I'm not sure how else to say this; we want you. We want to date you, make you happy, hold you, cherish you."

"I don't want to be something you use to spice up your life. I want to be an equal member of this relationship, otherwise, whatever this is, isn't going to work out."

Lesso chuckled, "We don't need you to spice up our relationship; we need you to complete it. We both care so much about you, we'd never intentionally do anything that could hurt you."

"That's all I needed to hear." The redhead had eased your worries.

"Well now that our intentions are clear, would you Y/f/n y/m/n y/l/n be our girlfriend?" Dovey asked.

You didn't need to think it through, the answer leaving your mouth immediately, "Yes."

The three of you spent the rest of the evening discussing your newfound relationship. The later it got the closer the deans got to you.

By the time it had gotten dark, you were cuddled between the women. Head on Leonora's chest as Dovey's hands idly stroked patterns into whatever skin it could reach.

"-I'm not ti-" your sentence was interrupted by your yawn. Over the last few minutes, you yawned repeatedly throughout your sentences.

"You were saying," Lesso's smirk was present as she looked at you.

"Okay, maybe I'm a little tired." You weren't a 'little tired, you were seconds away from sleeping. Yet, you didn't want to admit that to deans, not quite ready to part ways with them yet.

"Y/n/n, it's time to go to bed. We have all of tomorrow evening and the weekend to talk." Clarissa said.

"Okay, I'll see you both tomorrow." You extracted yourself from their hold and rose.

"Where are you going?" Leonora asked.

"Back to my dorm," you answered.

"I don't feel comfortable having you walk over to the good tower this late. You're staying with Clarissa and me."

"I agree with Leo, I'd feel a lot better if you spent the night here, with us."

"I'm not sure how I feel about spending the night with you." You thought everything was moving too fast.

"You're not sleeping with us. "  Your skin flushed. "I have a guest room, you can sleep there," the redhead clarified.


Sorry for the lack of updates these last few weeks(months? ) but I'm back. I'm gonna try to be more regular with the updates.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
All errors are my own.

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