Merle holds his hands up "Was just havin' a little fun is all." He says, turning to walk away while dropping his hands.

"Thanks." Y/n says in a mumbled voice, looking back down at her stick. The man just grunts, before walking away.


"Hey, Glenn!" Y/n calls walking towards the younger adult, who was talking with her husband. Getting ready to head into Atlanta for a run.

A week had gone by since Y/n's incident with Merle, and she had been busy. Mostly keeping herself distracted, and trying to remember everything her dad taught her. Y/n's father was ex-military, taught her everything he could. Her father was the main reason she became a doctor.

Glenn looked over and smiled "Hey Y/n, whats up?" He asks "Need me to find something for you?"

Y/n shakes her head "No, I actually wanted to come with you." She boldly says with a grin.

"What?" Shane asks with a scowl "No, not happening." He says.

"Not your choice Shane." Y/n says not looking at her husband, "I'm quick on my feet, and two people is better than one."

Glenn looked between the married couple "Uhm....I mean yeah you can come if you want." He says nervously.

Y/n grins "Sweet, when are we leaving?" She asks.

Shane scoffs "You're not going anywhere." He says pointing a finger at her "You're staying here."

Y/n slaps the finger away from her "You don't control me Shane." She snaps "I'm going god damnit."

"You're unbelievable." Shane says glaring at her "You're acting like a child."

"I'm acting like a child!?" Y/n shouts in disbelief, her eye twitching "Are you fucking serious right now?!"

Everyone in camp had stopped what they were doing, turning to look at the married couple. Glenn had quickly moved away with wide eyes, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire of the fight.

"Hey what's going on." Lori asks now joining the arguing couple.

Y/n hardly glances at her bestfriend "My husband, is being a fucking dick." She snarls

Shane shakes his head while rolling his eyes "Well my wife, has a fucking death wish."

"Guys, come on." Lori pleaded, looking between the two. But her words were ignored, drowned out coming with their yelling.

"I don't have a death wish! I'm not fucking helpless Shane!" Y/n shouts.

"You almost fucking died the other day!" Shane shouts back angrily, his tone raising more and more.

"THAT WAS A ONE OFF, I TOLD YOU I WAS CAUGHT OFF GUARD!" Y/n screams back, her top completely blowing "WHO WOULDN'T BE?!"

Dale quickly steps forward "That is enough. If you continue like this, you're gonna draw thoes things to our camp." He says.

Y/n scoffs still glaring at her husband "Yeah." She mumbled "I'm leaving now, you coming Glenn?"

The young adult nods "Yeah." He says nervously, looking at Shane who was glaring daggers at Y/n.


"Are-are you okay?" Glenn asks halfway to Atlanta, Y/n was driving while he sat in the front seat.

So far the drive had been silent, it felt awkward. The entire drive, Y/n had a death grip on the wheel her knuckles white. She was lost in thought, she was so angry and so sad.

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