5. Solicitor

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Undertaker enjoyed the times, where I take care of the smallest things for the funeral, such as the flower arrangement. He preferred to take care of 'his' customers and his coffins. What bother him the most is the mails he gets. For a business man he has to pay bills like anybody else, but this time, there was an unusual one, from a solicitor. He never received such a letter before, as no one ever complained about him or his work. The letter was serious and he knows that, he opened the envelope and read it through.

In the meantime I wasn't aware of the situation at his shop, as I was busy with the flower arrangements for the next funeral. Normally I can do this without any distractions, not today though, a man came in with a cheeky smile on his lips, his sight directly at me. I knew him; he was the one who left the mortician shop in a hurry. He took a rose out of a vase and hands it towards me "For a rare beauty like yourself, not even a rose can compare to you." I heard better line before; his was by far... the worst. I ignored the gift and went passed him, leaving the shop. It didn't take long for him to follow me "I am sorry if I offended you, would you like to have a tea with me, there is a nice place near..." "I am not interested!" I interrupted him, not giving him another glance. "Oh yeah? We see about that!" he screamed at my back, before going the other way.

Annoyed, I arrived at the Undertakers, only to see the owner deep in thought, holding a letter. "What are you reading?" I said, getting his attention. "Nothing dear, hehe, nothing important" he hid the letter, acting like always...weird! I forget about the letter in an instant, I didn't want to put my nose in his business. We took care of the rest we had to plan before calling it a day, at night we sat at the table in the kitchen having a laugh...like always. "So what did you do today dear, did you get the arrangements?" I smiled wide "Yup, the flowers are ready in two days, but there was something else today" "Yes?" "There was this ...man...and he was flirting at me." The expression on Undertaker changed, his smile faded and he had his thinking face on "Who was it?" "I think you know him, he was the man that left in fury your shop that day." The mortician went all quiet; it's not like him to be silent. Instead of explaining his actions, he only told me to have 'sweet dreams' and pushed me towards my bed.

At that moment a loud banging came from the shop. A man stood outside hammering on the shops door "Open up Undertaker!" I realized the voice; it's the man with the rose. Undertaker closed the back door a little before opening the front door, letting him in...alongside another man. "Did you receive the letter?" said the other man in a firm voice. I watched through a gap seeing Undertaker having a laugh "Hehehe, indeed, it was very entertaining." The men that flirted with me stepped forward "Are you even aware of the situation you are in?" "Perhaps, you could enlighten me about it?" the other man took out a letter and began "You are holding an 'unmarried' woman as your employee. You got her from a poor house a few weeks ago and you have no permission of any relative to let her work here. After the regulations, she either has to marry another man and gain his permission to work here...or you marry her. If none of this happens till the end of the week, she will be returned back to the poor house. Good evening"

I froze...back to the poor house? Not on my life.

The men left the shop in silence, Undertaker locked the door before coming towards me. I jumped into my bed, pretending to be asleep, as he sat himself on my bed, touching my cheek. I kept playing the I-am-asleep-game. I wasn't sure if he bought it, as he got up and blew the candle on the table.

I wasn't sure of what he will do, but I was sure...I wasn't ready to marry anyone, neither a stranger nor the Undertaker...I might have to leave after all.

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