24. His secret

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I was really excited for today.

Undertaker will pay me a visit. I could only imagine how Sebastian is feeling just now, as I went down to the kitchen. The butler, early as always, is preparing the young earl's breakfast. He turned on his heel facing in my direction "Good morning N/A. Did you sleep well?" "I could hardly shut my eyes...today is a special day." Sebastian gave me a suspicious gaze "The wedding will be in three days...and it is no one's birthday today." I rolled my eyes "You are pretty slow...I give you a hint..." "I have no need for that!" with that, he turned his back to me and prepares the morning tea.

"Oh I see...so you look forward to that as well, right?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "You know it won't hurt to show a little affection for him."

"Affection!?" caught by surprise, he dropped the tea pot.

"Come on, I know that you weren't in the bushes for a little 'conversation'... just admit it!"

"I have no idea what you are talking about!"

I smiled at his uncomfortable gaze "I know you like Unnie."

Sebastian was completely off guard "I do not like it at all!"

I giggle like a fangirl, as I jumped around him "I knew it! You and Unnie are an item!!!"

Before I know it, he grabbed my arm and threw me out the room. He told me to get to work and stop talking nonsense. As if! I turned around and stood before him "I go till you answer me one question."

"Make it quick."

"What where you two up to in the bushes?"

He told me, that it was none of my business. I pushed him a little more "Come on, if you aren't together then what did you two do?"

"Okay then...what do you think we were doing?"

I smiled "You two have a secret affair! Seeing each other at nights, having a little 'adventure' in the woods and...."

"Stop!!!!! Get this idea out of your head, this is not what happened!"

"Are you into 'love and violence'games?"


I pointed at his neck "This would explain the cuts and bruises on you."

He had enough of this and was now facing me, very close "Listen here N/A. A demon and reaper will never be friends...ever!" He froze at his own action; he spilled the secret of their identity. My eyes widened at Sebastian's words "Oh my god....."

He was uncomfortable now, of what I would say...how I could live with this. He didn't show it, but he was scared now.

"...you are into role-play?!"


His fear faded quickly, as he pushed me out once more "You have a wild imagination N/A. Please keep your fantasies to yourself."

"Says the 'demon', who is waiting for his lover... the 'reaper'"

"Don't push your luck, now get to work!!!"


The door was shut. I assumed I hit a nerve there. He is quite secretive about his...desires. I wonder how Undertaker would react if I asking him.

I giggled at the thought "This will be an interesting conversation..."

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