I tried not to think too much about his job or his work considering the way he questioned me when I slipped up and mentioned his boss before.

I'm thankful that I haven't had to see Jungkook in the last 48 hours. I really don't think that I could look him in the eye.

I need time to process and work out exactly why he's been the focus of my imagination lately.

I could have other, much more productive thoughts swirling around in this brain of mine. Ones that I actually need.

It isn't even that I'm touch deprived or anything like. If I was feeling that way, I work in a club and men try to woo me home every night. It wouldn't be hard to make it happen.

But apparently, my brain really just has this sudden fixation on Jungkook. Maybe it was the sex.

I don't have much else to go on.

Not the way his nose crinkles when he laughs, not his gross metaphorical depictions that he uses, not his look to personality polar opposite phenomenon. Not his stupid wildly misplaced arrogance.

Like he just knows he's got the attention of people when he walks into the room. He just doesn't even care.

"Fine?" Leilani repeats? "You're tutoring Jungkook and it's going fine?"

"Well, how else would it be going? I'm not a bad teacher and he's not an idiot." I say.

I can feel her staring at me.

"I suppose." I add in. "How about you?" I ask as I sit up. "How was work when you went in the other day?"

"Hell." She squirts water into her mouth. "Absolute hell. Kim? I'm gonna kill him myself when we go to work tonight."

"Who's to say that he'll show up?"

"It's Friday night." She states matter-of-factly. "He's going to show up. And when he does, I'm gonna let him have it. He's gonna get an entire earful."

"Well, don't piss him off or Gray'll have your job from both places posted before the club even closes."

"Screw him." Leilani says. "He'd be doing me a favor by firing me, actually. Then I wouldn't be scared and I'd have no choice but to find another job."

"But then you'd have to put that you were fired on your resume. And you wouldn't be able to use him as a reference because whatever he'd say wouldn't be good."

Leilani sighs and puts her hands on his hips. She still catching her breath as she speaks.

"You know what?" She points to me. "I don't like it when you make things make sense."

"How do you think I feel when you do it to me?"

"We're not talking about me."

"Sure, dodge accountability, why don't you?"

She snorts before scoffing at me. "I'm not dodging accountability. I'm making a valid observation."

"Yeah, whatever."

Leilani looks around the gym as we hydrate, eyes becoming focused on the double-paned plexiglass room.

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