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The man, who I'd started to call Boss in my head, had yet to find a painkiller that wasn't destroyed by his 'serum'. He'd tried several different ones throughout the week.

Today though, he came down holding a bottle, drinking from it as he turned on the television.

I could smell the foul liquid in the bottle from my kennel.

"I used to work there, that could've been me," he informed me bitterly.

There was a news report about something, a 'Particle Accelerator' at STAR labs.

I had no idea what or where STAR labs was.

The TV was muted, so I had no other explanations other than what was happening on the screen.

The woman suddenly started to panic, and so did everyone on the screen behind her.

Boss tilted his head, putting down the bottle to turn on the volume.

The woman's voice flooded the room, "We're getting reports from people inside that something has gone wrong with the Particle Accelerator. Representatives from inside STAR labs say everyone needs to get indoors immediately..."

Boss dropped the remote and darted upstairs, I heard a door fling open in the distance.

An explosion was captured on the news, I could hear it outside.

A wave of orange light flooded the room, forcing me into the back of my cage.

My head throbbed as black spots filled my vision.

I distantly heard a big crash from upstairs followed by Boss crying out.

I distantly wondered if he was okay.
I woke up the next day back on the table. Boss had a cast around his wrist. I guessed that was why I heard him cry out last night.

He was drawing blood from my foreleg, mumbling to himself under his breath.

"Damn Wells, always interfering with my experiments..." and other curses directed at a man named Wells.

When he was done, I shakily rose to my paws, my paws looked like they were nearly two times the size they had been.

As I stood to my full height, moving onto the floor, I was nearly the same height as the table.

Boss retook my height and weight, "Fucking Christ... nearly a foot and a half..." he muttered to himself, tossing aside the paper tape measure he'd been using.

I was starving, Boss seemed to notice my staring at where I knew he kept my food.

"I would think you'd be hungry after such a drastic change," he muttered as he pulled the bag out of the cabinet.

I went to my cage, grabbing my empty food bowl to bring to him.

He filled it completely, the food looked like it was about to fall out of the bowl with how much he had filled it.

It started to fall out of the bowl as I started to eat, Boss even refilled my bowl when I'd finished the contents, he never did that.

I finished that bowl as well, Boss pointed back to my kennel when I was finished.

I internally sighed as I picked my bowl back up, crawling back into my kennel.

Boss locked it behind me.

I watched Boss prepare a slide with the blood he took from me before he started staring through the microscope.

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