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They were 18 now,Eva was even pregnant  with three kids (triplets)and Lada was in university in Ketterdam.They watched their children every day,happy with this life.Eva was 6 months along,married in Balakirev to a soldier,one of Alina's orphans.A good kid.Lada was single but in a very tightly knit friend group who included Genya's oldest,Nina's youngest and Jesper's middle.Eva was like a model mum to her triplets and looked identical to nikolai.Lada,on the other hand was wild and free.She slept around and tried to replicate crow behavior.She looked just like her mother.Eva was stern but calm and kind.Lana was adventorous and mischevious but loved like her mother.They were perfect mixes of the two.Lana was an Inferni that had an amplifier of a scorpion.Eva was a squaller with a horse shoe amplifier.They were happy,and so were their parents.

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