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Her period was three weeks late,and she was starting to worry.Yes,she wanted to but when it really happened,well,that was a different story.Nikolai had come rushing into the room one day with name choices,and the next with an idea of the layout of their child's room,and she just felt so guilty.So,it was time.As she trudged down to the infirmary,she kept on thinking the same thing 'No matter if you take the test or not it will still be there,inside of you'.

When she got to the infirmary,Gala,the head maternity nurse was already there."Gala,i need a test.I think...I know I'm pregnant"A  girl treating a young child gasped,and Zoya rolled her eyes as Gala lead her to a curtained section which was empty spare a young girl whpo was Gala's daughter."Polina,shoo!You are supposed to be with Botkin jr,training!You are a heartrender,you NEED training.If i can't tell you the queen will have to.GO!"The girl hurried away,sneaking a glance at Zoya which she accepted and smiled at the girl.If she was having a child she would have to practice her smiles anyway.

Gala knelt down on a pillow and started swaying her hands backwards and forwards around Zoya's abnormally chubby belly.Gala looked up at the impatient queen and said"Your highness,your pregnant"Zoya hated that title but simply left leaving only a thumbs up in return.

Zoya ran to Nikolai's room and tore open the door,but he wasn't there.She then ran to a meeting room,and swung open the door.Nikolai was there along with the King of Fjerda,Queen of Novyi-zem,General Willem of Ketterdam,Empress Ai of Shu Han and the prime minister of The Wandering Isle.Disregarding the other attendees of the meeting,she lead Nikolai away  and out of earshot of anyone and whispered in his ear "I'm pregnant."Nikolai lifted her up,shouting i knew it i knew it,i knew it,but stopped when a passing inferni stared at them.

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