Chapter 30

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It was probably the coldest day I had experienced in Monaco so far. The wind was bitter and blew in from the sea, freezing me to the core. I pulled my coat around me tighter.

Monaco was a strange country. No where like anywhere I'd been before. I felt safe, yes the crime rate was low, but I felt at peace. That was until I heard the one voice that sent shivers down my spine.

"Y/n?" My mother's voice travelled through the air.

I froze. How could she possibly be here again? I spun round to see her stood there, wrapped up in a scarf and fur coat.

"What are you doing here?" I said coldly.

"That's no way to speak to your mother," she said, a smirk in her face.

I ignored her and continued. "What do you want mum?"

"I wanted to apologise."

I stared at her. There was no smirk on her face, no twinkle in her eye that suggested she was up to something. Her face was blank. It almost looked sincere. Almost.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, I wanted to apologise," she said matter of factly.

I looked at her in disbelief belief. "You can't be serious."

"I am serious. Y/n I am sorry for what I did."

"For what you did? That's vague," I didn't hold back this time. "Are you sorry for the recent chaos or my entire childhood because we could be here a while."

"Y/n look," she interrupted me.

"No mum, you don't get to talk, you've done enough talking. Do you know how hard it was for me when I was just 10 to see my mother attack my dad like that? I was terrified of you. Dad was terrified of what you'd do to me. He tried to cut you out of our lives but you kept clawing your way back in. You destroyed whatever childhood I had left with your drunken threats and random appearances at the door. If that wasn't enough, you appear here, where I had finally moved on from you and started a new life. You couldn't live with that so you had to try and tear me apart while you still had the chance. Well guess what mum, it didn't work. I still have my life here. I have great friends and Charles isn't going anywhere, no matter what you try to do. So you can leave now, knowing there is nothing you can do anymore."

I took a deep breath. For the first time ever, she was speechless. She blinked a few times before turning around and walking back down the streets.

I didn't hesitate anymore. I ran straight back up to the apartment building, up the steps and in front of Charles' door. I opened it to see him leaning against the table clutching his phone.

"Y/n, where the hell have you been?" He gasped, trying to hobble over to see me. "I've tried calling you and calling you. Why didn't you answer?"

"My phone died."

"I was scared. It's dark and cold," he began talking again, I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and he stopped.

"I'm sorry," I said, " I shouldn't have walked out like that. I love you, that's all that matters. You need time, and that's ok. But you have to know that it's you and me ok. That's it, I'm never going anywhere as long as I live."

Charles' strong arm wrapped around my waist. "I'm sorry too. I love you. And it doesn't matter how many times you walk out that door, I'll always be here waiting when you come back."

I smiled at him. I had everything I'd ever wanted. And I was finally happy.

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