Chapter 24

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"Look, it's only a few hours and you're already in Monaco," Ella pleaded as I rolled my eyes.

I had come back to the city to check on my apartment and tidy up a bit, but made sure to pick a day when Charles was in Italy. Weeks of  avoidance had past and the summer break had begun.

"I don't know, Ella," I sighed. "He's going to be there, and I don't know if I can face him."

"Y/n, he has to be there. And you have to be there, please, please please," Ella looked at me hopefully. "You're going to have to see each other eventually, he is my cousin."

"I know," I sighed and slumped into the back of the sofa. "I don't get why you're throwing Erling as very late birthday party anyway."

"Because!" Ella exclaimed. "We were all so busy in July, come on y/n."

I sighed. Maybe it was time for me to see him again? After all, I couldn't avoid him forever.

"Y/n!" Caitlin rushed up to me as I walked out onto the grass. "You were meant to come back 2 weeks ago."

"I know, I'm sorry," I smiled at her. She was wearing a white dress speckled with little blue flowers. "But I'm here now."

"Yes, come on, we're all down there."

She walked me over to a little paved area that over looked the sea. There was a wooden dance floor in the centre of the garden surrounded by fairy lights and speakers. Around them were tables and chairs full of people, most of whom I didn't recognise.

I looked at the group of people in front of me. Caitlin had rejoined Lando, who was beaming down at her. They looked so happy together. Next to them Macey was showing Ella pictures of her recent trip to the Philippines, making sure to point out every single different kind of fish. Ella was nodding along, making the occasional 'ooo' or 'ah' to convince Macey that she was interested. Erling stood behind Ella. He towered over the whole table. She smiled at me and nudged Ella.

"Y/n, you came!" Ella hugged me. "I'd like you to meet Erling." He shook my hand, he looked surprisingly nervous at the interaction.

"I've heard a lot about you," I smiled at him, his blonde hair moving slightly in the breeze.

"Like wise, Ella doesn't shut up about her friends," his strong Norwegian accent came through in his voice.

"Y/n, now that you're here, I saw this really cool catfish," Macey scrolled through her phone.

"Escape while you can," Lando said under his breath, before Caitlin elbowed him in the ribs.

I laughed and turned around to look back at the party. People were walking back and forth from the bar to their tables as the sun began to slowly set over the horizon. Just as I was about to turn back, my eyes caught a familiar face.

Charles stared back at me. He had just walked through the gateway and was holding a glass of champagne. I hadn't seen him in weeks, he still looked as perfect as always. It was so annoying.

Suddenly, a girl walked up to Charles and hugged him. He briefly looked at her before returning my gaze. Viola turned to face me. She rolled her eyes and immediately turned back to Charles. A pang of jealousy hit my stomach. It frustrated me. As hard as I tried, I could not get over Charles Leclerc. Even after everything he did to me, his eyes lived permanently in my mind.

Charles put the glass down and walked away from Viola. She waved her hands in the air out of frustration, but gave up and glared at me before returning to her table. Charles did a few spins on the spot, obviously dazed, before walking out of the gate.

"Was that Charles?" Ella's voice said behind me and i immediately remembered where I was.

"Um, yes, I think so," I replied, why did he leave?

"You've got to be kidding me," Ella said angrily before walking over to the DJ and asking him to shuffle Eminem.

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