Chapter 15

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Charles' pov

"Charles, stop worrying, I'm on the other side of the Atlantic," y/n laughed.

"Are you sure? Because I'm sure Fred wouldn't mind if you sat in," I gestured inside the suite.

"Honey, I've met Fred, he would mind," y/n kissed my cheek. "Ella and Caitlin are going into Montreal later, so I'll go find them."

"If you're sure, text me when you're back at the hotel," I walked into the suite.

It was quiet as I poured myself a coffee before sitting down with Carlos. He was smirking at me, again.


"About a month ago, you said nothing was going on," he said. "Now look at you, smitten kitten."

"Stai zitto, I am not smitten," I glared at Carlos. "I like her a normal amount."

"Love you mean," Carlos hadn't stopped smiling for the whole conversation. "Have you said that to her yet?"

"Carlos it's been a month," I shook my head at him.

"I know, and you love her," he patted my shoulder. "It's all over your face, amigo."

Did I love her? Fred sat down opposite us, I was glad Carlos' attention was off me.

I was distracted the whole meeting. I barely caught the end of Fred's sentence. Y/n was on my mind 24/7.

"Ok be here early tomorrow," Fred finished his speech. "Allez."

He walked off, leaving Carlos glaring at me.

"You didn't get any of that did you?" I could hear the judgement in his voice. "No wonder you're falling behind in the championship."

"Hey, uncalled for," I said. "I'm not distracted."

"Yeah sure, I need to go to do an interview," he got up and walked towards the door. "Still up for that drink later?"

"Yeah, au revoir," I waved a hand as he left the suite.

My phones buzzed violently in my pocket. An unknown number was calling me. Who else has this number? I slid the answer button across the screen.


"Is this Charles Leclerc?" The voice said, it was a woman.

"Who is this?"

"Oh it is you, I can tell by the accent, perfect. I am Alison y/l/n, y/n's mum."

"Oh right, I don't have anything to say to you," how the hell did she get this number? This woman was scary.

"I see my daughter has already spoken to you."

"Yes, now I have to go."

"Wait! I have something to tell you."

"I don't think you do," I was frustrated now, why did she think she had the right to talk to me.

"I'm planning a trip to the Maldives in a few weeks, and I need some extra funds," her voice was soft and quiet.

"I'm not going to give you money," my voice came out shocked, the audacity of this woman.

"Oh I think you are," she said. "I don't think y/n would like it very much if someone leaked to the press about her crazy mother, would she? The press would eat that up, and what about your family? Not sure how they would react to a girl you're seeing with a messed up family."

"Are you blackmailing me?"

"Just think, you can give me the money now, or I can send a long email to reporters I know, including letters the y/n sent to me when I was kept out of that house," she sounded smug on the end of the phone. "So what is it Charles?"

I had made a promise to y/n, I wasn't going to let anything happen to her.

"Ok fine, I'll send you the money, don't mention anything to anyone, and keep away from y/n" I said quietly.

"You have my word."

She ended the call, I put my head in my hands. Did I just make a horrible decision?

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