Chapter 21

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"And Max Verstappen takes pole for tomorrow's race."

The commentators announced around the circuit. I winced as Charles moaned through the radio. I removed the headset and and sighed. He was going to be angry when you get back.

"Ferrari seem to be really struggling out here, looked like they had no grip at all."

"Hey," Caitlin walked into the garage. "I've not seen you in ages."

"It's been 4 days," I laughed, I hugged her.

"Lando is fuming, he's not been knocked out in Q2 since the start of the season," she sighed, "how's Charles?"

"From what I've heard not good," I smiled. "But, hopefully, tomorrow will be better."

"Yeah, ugh F1 is a nightmare," Caitlin laughed. "Anyway, I'll see you later. Ella and Macey are coming if you want to have dinner?"

"Yeah, see you later," I waved her off as Charles car was reversed into the garage.

He climbed out of the car and removed his helmet. His race engineer tried to talk to him before walking over to me.

"Can we please get out of here?" He said to me as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Yeah sure," I nodded a little shocked. He walked into his drivers room and slammed the door.

I quickly texted Caitlin to say I would be late for dinner and picked up my bag. Charles rushed out of the room and grabbed my hand before pulling me out of the garage.

"Charles," I held onto my sunglasses before they flew off my head. "Are you alright?"

"I'm perfectly fine," he said through gritted teeth. "Where do you want to go?"

I hopped into his Ferrari. He sighed and leaned back into his chair.

"It didn't go that horribly," I grabbed his hand.

"P6, y/n. How am I meant to win from P6?"

"Charles, listen to me," I looked at him. "You're doing the best you can, Ferrari have messed up again this year, but you have to know you can't do anything more than you're doing."

He kissed me and smiled weakly. I could tell something was playing on his mind, I didn't bother to ask. He looked worn out.

"Can we just go back to the hotel?" He asked.

"Of course, it's too hot anyway."

I woke up next to the sound of knocking at the door. My head was resting on Charles' shoulder as he slept softly on the couch. I wriggled free of his arm, trying my best not to wake him and walked towards the door. I checked the time on my way. It was only 18:45, we really were exhausted.

I opened to door and my heart plummeted to the floor.

My mother.

"Sweetie, it's so nice to see you," she smiled at me, a smile that made me shiver.

"How did you get up here?"

"I just told the front desk I was your mother and I had to give you something," she tried to step in the room but i blocked bed with the door.

"You can't be here," I said.

"Yes I can, I haven't been properly introduced to your boyfriend yet," she smirked, like she had been scheming some awful plan.

"Well, he's asleep, so you'll have to come back," I said, trying to control my heart in my chest.

"Y/n? Is everything alright?" Charles voice couldn't come at a worse time. My mother grinned. "What's going on?"

"Well, well, sounds like he's up now," she burst past me and stood in the hotel room. "You must me Charles, it's so nice to finally meet you in person."

In person? What does she mean?

"I think you need to leave," Charles voice was cold as he glared at her. "Now."

"That's no way to talk to your girlfriends mother is it?" He voice was too calm, she knew exactly what she was doing. Everything she said was calculated.

"Mum, please," I started but she cut me off with a glare.

"We're having a conversation y/n, don't be rude, I didn't raise you that way," she said.

How dare she? She barely raised me at all. She had about the same input in my childhood as the cast of High School Musical. I nearly said something, but held my tongue.

"Mrs Y/l/n, I'm going to ask you again," Charles moved towards the hotel room door. "Leave."

"I recommend you watch your tone Charles," my mother tutted. "We don't want our little secret to get out do we?"

My heart stopped. I looked at Charles whose face was still. What secret?

"Charles?" I asked. "What is she on about?"

"Oh I shouldn't have said anything," she pretended to look shocked while Charles ran his hand through his hair. "I better get going. I'll talk to you both soon. Thanks for this tan Charles."

She walked out of room and closed the door softly behind her. I didn't know what just happened. How did Charles know her?

"What did she mean 'thanks for the tan?' " I looked at him, my heart pleaded for her to be lying, he sat down on the back of the chair, avoiding my eye contact. "No, no, no."

I shook my head. He wouldn't. Would he?

"I was trying to protect you," he stood up. I wave of pain washed over me.

"Protecting me?" I said shocked.

"Yes, she said if I gave her money then she wouldn't leak your history to the press."

"So you payed her off?" I bit my lip to stop myself from crying.

"I thought it was the best for you," he looked at me.

"Best for me? Or for you?" I raised me voice slightly as anger grew inside of me.

"No, y/n don't manipulate this, I was trying to help you," he shook his head.

"Then why didn't you tell me? You had plenty of opportunities to tell me."

"I don't know, I didn't know what she'd do or what you'd say," he looked upset, but my skin still prickled at the thought.

"No, that's not an excuse," a brushed a tear from my face. "I can't even look at you right now."

"Y/n stop," he tried to grab my hand.

"No, don't touch me!"

"Y/n please, stop being dramatic," he tried to stop me from walking away.

"Dramatic? Charles you've got to be kidding me," I grabbed my bag from the floor. "I'm going."

"Don't leave," Charles voice broke, I almost felt sorry for him. "I'm sorry."

"You betrayed me Charles," tears now rolled down my face. "You said you loved me. You promised you wouldn't break my heart."

"Y/n," Charles walked towards me.

I shook my head before leaving the room. I slammed the door. I walked down the hallway wiping the tears from my face. I turned around.

He didn't follow me.

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