what about spa?

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Everyday life had settled in faster than I had expected.

Carolina and Fernando had talked at me until I agreed to move in with them. Looking back, it had definitely been the right decision. Matteo was really blossoming and I escaped the possibility of running into Carlos in the hallway unprepared.

He was now more or less officially dating the woman he had been seen with at the club. Pictures of the two of them kept circulating through the media. Especially on Instagram, you saw photos of the two again and again. It hurt incredibly, but I tried to suppress the pain as best I could and look forward to what lay ahead. I loved being a mother and by now I was really looking forward to the baby.

It was growing up splendidly and a slight belly was already emerging. Hardly noticeable, but it was there.

I was still at the very beginning of the pregnancy, but as in the last pregnancy, I was already showing clear symptoms. Nevertheless, we had not yet told Matteo that he would soon become a big brother, I wanted to be sure first that the baby was growing as it should.

However, the fact that I was often tired and had to throw up frequently did not escape him, of course. He was quite worried, but he was also very attached to Fernando, because he had never had so much time with him as now.

It was all the more difficult for him when Fernando left for Spa. Carolina would travel tomorrow to support him and Matteo didn't understand why we wouldn't go too.

"Mom please! I want to go to Daddy's too!" he whined as I tucked him into bed.

"Honey, we're not going, we're..."

"You're totally stupid! And mean!"

"Honey, I..."

"No! I want to go to Daddy's!" he yelled "I don't want you to read to me!".

So I shut the book and left his room, but left his door ajar. I went downstairs to the living room and plopped down on the sofa next to Carolina.

"Spa theme again?" she asked sympathetically.

"I'm about to give in," I panted, closing my eyes.

"If you want, I can just take him with me. It's not like you have to go if you don't want to."

"No, I can't expect you to."

"You don't." she laughed "But we all kind of share custody anyway. I wouldn't mind. I really wouldn't. And a few days rest will do you good, I'm sure. You look pretty beat up. You're not sleeping too well, huh?"

"Carolina, I...no, I really can't. Maybe I'll just give in...I mean...the paddock is big and...I'm sure Matteo would be happy."

"So would Fernando. And me! At least then it won't be boring. I'll make sure we don't run into Carlos either." she put her arm over my shoulder "Come on. We'll have a nice couple of days."

"Ok, yeah. What could happen?", I nodded and leaned against her "Thanks.", I whispered.

She laughed and kissed me on the top of my head "What's a best friend for?" she pulled me closer to her.

"I come so happy to have you," I sobbed, unable to hold back the tears.

Carolina was wonderful. More than that. And if Fernando didn't marry her someday, I would!

"I'm also glad that you of all people are Nando's ex. You at least I like. You're not such a bitch."

"Thanks.", I laughed and pressed a kiss on her cheek "Thanks. Seriously.".

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