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I hung over the daily newspaper, trying to hold back the tears that had gathered there since I flipped my newspaper from the local section to the celebrity section.

My heart, like a mirror smashed with a rock, had shattered into a thousand pieces.

That he had left last night, without a word, had hurt me. I had waited for him, had hoped that he would come back so that we could at least talk. But he hadn't come back, and so I had sat on the sofa all night, my head on the armrest, staring at the door, until Matteo had woken up around six. It had been a terrible night, and now to read that he hadn't even been in the house when I had been waiting for him, and had already been with another woman, just hurt beyond belief.

I was really struggling with myself when the doorbell rang. I glanced at the clock and was startled to find that it had to be Fernando. I had completely forgotten about last night, that he was going to pick up Matteo to fly with him on vacation. I had forgotten that I had wanted to finish packing his suitcase this morning.

"Papa!" exclaimed Matteo excitedly, immediately jumping up from his chair.

I ran over to the door and picked up the intercom "Nando?", I asked.

"Good morning mi sol." he replied.

I pressed the door opener and then opened the apartment door. Matteo ran right past me into the hallway and waited until the elevator doors opened. Then there was no stopping him.

"Daddy!" he cheered.

Fernando beamed all over his face and caught his son "Hey my darling." he laughed and twirled his son through the air.

"Daddy!" he cheered, wrapping his arms around Fernando's neck.

"Well, are you ready for your vacation?" he smirked.

"Sorry, Nando, I forgot to get Matteo's suitcase ready. Can you give me five more minutes?", I smiled as he came over to me.

He wrapped his arm around my back and pulled me to him. Lovingly, he pressed a kiss to my temple "It's okay, Eli. We have plenty of time.", he looked at me a little worried "What's wrong?".

"Nothing, everything's fine.", I assured, waving him off and was about to go back to the apartment to pack Matteo's suitcase, but he pulled me back.

Gently he stroked a strand behind my ear "You don't have to lie to me, Elena. What's going on? Where's Carlos?" he asked.

Immediately tears welled up in my eyes again "Uh-huh." he said, pushing me back into my apartment before setting Matteo down "Big boy, do you want to go get your toys already? I need to talk to mom for a minute." he said, Matteo immediately nodded and ran off.

"So?" asked Fernando, but instead of talking I just held the newspaper out to him.

"We... I told him last night that you were Matteo's father and he left," I gulped.

I could see a lot happening on my ex-boyfriend's face before he pulled me to him. He wrapped his arms around my back as I let my face sink against his shoulder.

"I really love him Fernando.", I sobbed as he gently pressed me against him "I really love him and now it's all over.".

"Do you want me to talk to him again?" he asked, but I shook my head.

"It's his right to break up".

"Yes but not like this, mi sol.", he gently stroked my back "He could have at least talked to you.".

We just stood there for a long time while he held me and gave me at least a little comfort. I was incredibly grateful to Fernando for always being there. I had always loved that about him, that I could rely on him. Always.

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