The Howard Duke Who Was An Actor

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Lord Albert Edward Howard is the fourth child, but second son of Lord Andrew Charles Howard and Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard.

Lord Albert Edward was born on September 21, 2285 and much to the delight to his older brother who was surrounded by sisters and many female cousins from both of paternal uncles, Lord Charles Andrew Howard III and Lord Patrick William Howard II, as his father was their youngest brother and became Duke of Norfolk Territory by giving his great-grandfather his first male line great-granddaughter, Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane.

Lady Elizabeth was followed by Lady Samhain, Duchess of Clarence, and she was followed by Lord Anthony Christopher and he was followed by Lady Caroline Matilda Carey, and Lord Albert Edward was his father and mother's fourth child together.

As Lord Albert Edward Howard, Duke of Kent grew up he decided to attend the University on Star-Base 12 and study acting, drama, theater and music, and pursue a career in theater and he did summer and winter stock.

Lord Andrew Charles tells his son " Dukes don't act. They govern their Dukedoms and territories."

"I am sorry father. I disagree. I didn't ask for you to create me Duke of Kent Territory when I was born." Lord Albert Edward tells his father.

"My Dukedom isn't lacking for nothing and my people are prosperous." Lord Albert Edward tells his father.

Lady Karissa walks in and she looks at Lord Andrew Charles and she asks "What is going on here Andrew Charles?"

"Our son wants to be an actor?" Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"What is wrong with that Lord Andrew Charles. Lord Patrick William funded and helped build the University in 2168." Lady Karissa states.

"Andrew Charles. You may have been happier if you continued at Star-Fleet Academy, and made something out of your life." Karissa tells him.

"No, You were consumed with having a child and achieving your ambition." Karissa reminds him.

"You did so with my help if you remember. Lord Albert Edward is my son as well and I am his mother and he may do whatever he wants to be happy and if he wants to pursue a career in acting, drama, theater and music he may." Karissa tells him.

"Didn't your father leave you a Dukedom to govern. So why don't you govern it?" Karissa asks.

"Lord Albert Edward. Pursue your dream with gusto, but keep in mind many have chased the same dream, but it came to naught." Karissa explains.

"Every dream is worth pursuing." Karissa tells her son.

"Mom. I like doing summer and winter stock." Lord Albert Edward tells her.

"My dear son. I love to dance and sing as well. My voice cracked when I reached puberty." Lady Karissa explains.

"I love music, dancing, and singing. " Lady Karissa explains " and without music, singing, and dancing life would be dead."

"I love art, literature, and theater." Lady Karissa states, " Without the Arts and Humanities life is not worth living."

"Your great-great-great-grandfather built the University with his own two hands and funded it." Karissa explains.

I think without an education no one can be happy." Lady Karissa states.

"I gave you the essentials as you grew up and then you attended the public school in Bedford Territory." Lady Karissa tells him.

"Your father attended a high price Parochial School and he learned nothing at all." Lady Karissa states.

"You see your grandfather also attended the same school as did his father before him." Lady Karissa states.

"Your second cousin went onto Star-Fleet Academy and he became a medical officer for Star-Fleet Command and he made something out of his life." Lady Karissa states.

"I believe Lord David William Beck II will follow in his fathers footsteps and make something out his life." Lady Karissa states.

"Do you know that Viscount Beck told the same thing to his son, but he didn't listen to him and he is happier for it." Lady Karissa explains.

"Soar with the eagles, Lord Albert Edward and reach for your dreams." Lady Karissa tells her son.

"Why is that your great-great-grandfather had more sense than his son, grandson, and great-grandson?" Lady Karissa asks Lord Andrew Charles.

"I read that Lord Patrick William Howard attended Oxford University in England and he studied architecture.'Lady Karissa tells Lord Andrew Charles.

"Your great-great-grandfather knew the importance of a good education and he soars with the eagles but you want to walk with the turkeys." Lady Karissa states.

With his mother's blessing , Lord Albert Edwared pursues his dream and he starts to do summer and spring stock at the local theater on Star Base 12.

While Lord Albert Edward Howard is attending the university, he meets a young woman named Lady Elizabeth Ann Valois and she is a descendant of the Great King Louis IX of France and through his eldest son, King Philip III of France and she is pursuing the same career and they start to doing summer and winter stock together.

Lord Albert Edward Howard courts Lady Elizabeth Ann Valois from 2307 until 2308, and they marry each other in 2309. And Lord Albert Edward and his beautiful Lady Elizabeth Ann have three children, Lady Alberta Edwina in 2310, Lord Edward Albert in 2315 and in 2320 they have a son, Lord Philip Edward Howard.

Lord Albert Edward doesn't neglect his Dukedom and Territory and it prospers and he is well loved and admired.

Even his people travel to watch their Duke and Duchess act in the local theater and they admire him more and more because he did what he wanted to do and they are happy.

Lady Elizabeth, Lady Samhain, Lord Albert Edward, Lady Anastasia Christina, Lady Caroline Matilda and Lord Benjamin Lawrence, Lady Sophia Dorothea and Lady Karissa Elizabeth and his cousins, Lord David William Beck, Lord David William Beck II, Lady Edwin Wihelmina Beck, Lord Richard Edward III, Lady Susan Virginia, Lady Autumn Bridget, Lord David Frederick, Lord Charles Andrew Howard IV and Lady Charlotte Victoria Maud all love to watch Lord Albert Edward and Lady Elizabeth Ann actor and with Lady Karissa is his third cousin, Lord Richard William Carey and his two uncles, Lord Charles Andrew Howard III and Lord Patrick William Howard II.

All of Lord Albert Edward's family attends the local theater and they support him for following his dream and his Lady Elizabeth Ann and him go down in Star Base 12 history.

Lord Albert Edward and Lady Elizabeth Ann watch their eldest daughter, Lady Alberta Edwina marry in 2328 and she gives birth to a son and she named him after his grandfather, Lord Albert Edward Howard II in 2330, and she gives birth to a daughter, Lady Alexandra Elizabeth Spencer-Churchill in 2335, and a second son, Lord Albert Edward Spencer-Churchill in 2340.

Lord Edward Albert Howard married a distant cousin, Lady Elizabeth Stafford in 2332, and in 2335 she gave birth to a son, Lord Frederick Charles Howard, a daughter, Lady Elizabeth Ann Howard in 2340 and a second son, Lord Edward Andrew Howard in 2345.

Lord Philip Edward Howard married Lady Louisa Lennox in 2338 and they have three children, Lady Jeanette Virginia Howard in 2340, a son, Lord Andrew Albert Howard in 2345 and a second son, Lord Edward David Howard in 2350.

The Dukedom of Kent is secured with Lord Albert Edward's many grandchildren starting with Lord Albert Edward Howard II, followed by Lord Charles Frederick Howard, Lord Edward Andrew Howard, Lord Andrew Albert Howard,and Lord Edward David Howard.

Lord Albert Edward Howard stipulated in his Last Will and Testament that only his grandchildren with the Howard surname could inherit the Dukedom of Kent Territory and that his grandsons were to inherit first and if they failed to have children,only his granddaughters could inherit it, but his granddaughter's son could inherit.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard bestowed the Dukedom of Kent on Lord Albert Edward when he was born in 2285.

Lord Albert Edward Howard and Lady Elizabeth Ann both died in 2370 and he is succeeded by his grandson, Lord William Patrick Howard who was born in 2350. 

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