Chapter 55: Dessert

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Clay POV.

After George had gone to bed, my thoughts were redirected from answering his family’s questions and worrying about why he had gone to bed. I wanted to go and check on him, but it was also difficult to not seem impolite. So I planned on going to make sure he was okay after dinner.

However the two children stopped me from doing that as they dragged me over to the couch. I didn’t want to pull away from them as they sat on either side of me. As they sat on the couch on either side of me, they put on a movie, which caused most of the family to come and sit around me so we could all watch it.

That held me up for a lot longer. The two children were practically laying on me and I wanted to go and check on George, but I didn’t want to push them off, so I allowed myself to just sit there. I wasn’t focusing on what we were watching though, my gaze was focused on the doorway leading to George’s room instead.

About an hour in, George’s sister stated that she needed to go to the bathroom and she paused the movie. Liam and Leah began complaining about the fact the movie was paused, however they immediately shut up when George’s mother said she’d get everyone dessert.

Both of them ran over to their grandmother so that they could get some of the cake and some ice cream. Since they’d finally gotten off of me I took the opportunity to stand up and go find George, telling the people in the room that I was going to go check on the brunette and see if he was wanting some dessert.

Nobody said anything as I returned to the room I was shown earlier, where the brunette had grown up, and where he was currently sleeping. Before entering the room I knocked gently, wanting to see if the brunette was awake or not, but I didn’t get any response.

Because of that, I kept quiet and left the lights off when I entered the room. George’s body was laying on the bed with blankets wrapped around his body. I smiled lovingly at him, before approaching quietly. He was facing away from me, and so I could not see his face or if he was awake or not, but that didn’t stop me.

I sat on the edge of the bed, probably a foot away from where his head was and admired the brunette, but also feeling worried for him. He had been feeling paranoid and upset about his family since we’d gotten here, and he wanted to talk to me about it but we hadn’t had the chance yet. Now, we’ll have to wait until morning for the chance to talk.

So I just sat on the edge of the bed, obviously not going to wake him up and ask if he wanted to go and have some of the dessert that his mother and brother-in-law had made. I thought for a long while over whether I should go back to the group, or if I should stay with the brunette, after all, I had come here for him.

Before I could come up with a decision though, I felt the bed more, and the blankets I was sitting on got tugged in the brunette’s direction. I looked over at the brunette, to see that he was sitting up and rubbing his eyes tiredly, and so I smiled at him. “Hey.” I greeted him caringly.
“Hey Clay.” He replied in a quiet tone. “What are you doing here?”

“Your mother was getting dessert ready.” I explained. “I was coming to see whether you were awake and wanting anything.” I paused to take a breath and surveyed the scene in front of me. The way that the brunette was sitting up with his hair a mess and blankets wrapped around his waist. “If you didn’t want to get up though, I could bring you dessert in bed.”

George merely shook his head at the suggestion. “My parents would never allow me to eat anything in here.” He stated. “Even if I was bedridden, they’d make me go to the lounge if I wanted anything.”
“That sounds like it would suck.” I smiled before adjusting myself to face him better.

“Besides…” he continued. “I’m kind of over being around my family. I don’t know why. I haven’t seen them for several years and now I don’t want to be around them.” With a small sigh his gaze looked over into my eyes. “You probably think I’m a terrible person for that.” The brunette admitted quietly.

“No, of course not.” I responded, moving to wrap an arm around his waist. “I understand that families can be difficult. Plus, I did kind of convince you to come here, since I didn’t want to deal with Monica or her… maybe my… kid.” I admitted. Then I pulled him into a hug. “I’m sorry for stressing you out and causing this.”

There was no response from the brunette, with him just leaning into me as I held him. “I want to go home.” He admitted in a weaker voice, his face pressed against my shoulder as he spoke. “I just feel stressed, but I feel bad saying that I want to go home cause they are my family.”
“Well I can come up with an excuse so we can leave if you want.” I offered.

George paused for a moment, seeming to consider what I was saying, but then he quickly shook his head. “No, I don’t want it to just be like that either.” He added on. “It’s difficult, but I’ll feel bad making you do that.”

“I’ll be perfectly fine. It’s you that I’m worried about. After all, you seem quite stressed, and from the interactions I've seen between you and your family, it hasn’t been the easiest.”
“So we can go then?” He asked, piping up slightly as a grin appeared on his face. “Without them knowing?”

“Well they are going to have to find out that we are going as we are leaving, so I don’t think that would be the case.” Me speaking caused the brunette to brighten up and he pulled me into a tight hug, muttering loving ‘thank yous’ to me.
“But that means we have to go home, and we were meant to be gone for a week.” He huffed.

“We can still be gone for a week.” I suggested, not liking the way that a pout appeared on the brunette’s beautiful face. “Just because we aren’t staying with your parents doesn’t mean that we can’t stay away from home. The only thing is we’d want to stay away from the public eye so neither your parents, nor Wilbur find out.”

“That could work.” George nodded. “Thank you Clay. You are too good for me. I don’t deserve to be with somebody like-”
“Shut up idiot, of course you do. You are a million times more perfect than I could ever be and I’ll do anything to make you feel better.”

“Thanks.” The Brit sighed happily. “I love you Clay.” I hesitated, not entirely used to hearing him say that, but then as I pulled his smaller frame closer to me I responded.
“I love you too George.”
1283 words

Is it reasonable for George to not want to be around his family?

Also yeah... Probably could have added some more riveting chapters (such as Clay getting their blessings or them fucking in George's childhood room) but I didn't know what to do with George's family

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