Chapter 13 - Escalated

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"OH MY GOD !!! The bitch is dead ?! " , I exclaim in shock.

Scott scratches his head , while staring at me. He says , " This doesn't make any sense ! You're telling us that Rachel and her pack , burned down the school , resulting in Mary White's death ? They are smart and psychopathic , when it comes to committing their crimes. They want to preserve their ' innocence' and  what is left of the Werewolf population , unless Rachel wants to intensify the war between humans and werewolves... From what I know about Rachel , she is a psychopathic narcissist. Rachel is capable of any crimes , so it is possible that she committed the crime that occurred this morning ! Todd was capable of doing something so outrageous and stupid , but definitely not Rachel and her pack ! I am not disregarding Rachel and her packs' guilt , but this doesn't sound like something that they could have done !  Rachel seems too smart , to burn down a school and the Principal , while also leaving incriminating evidence behind ! Think about it... Why would they not destroy incriminating evidence against themselves ?! "

Mum responds , " Scott , you are onto something ! Unfortunately, you are wrong about them not being responsible ! Witnesses told DRP , that they saw Rachel and her pack running out of the school building before it burned to the ground... "

Dad chimes in , " Yes , its true. Rachel and her pack did this. "

What the actual fuck is going on ?! Out of all the fucked up shit that Rachel and her pack did ... they actually burnt down DRHS , intentionally or unintentionally killing Mrs White ! Thinking about it now...this sounds like a typical " Rachel " move , because she is so unpredictable ! When she saw Scott and I kissing , she plotted to kill me ! Let's not forget about how she bullied me for years and instigated the school fight in DRHS , where she injured multiple people ! She is dangerous and capable of any horrific crimes , without a doubt , Rachel and her pack are responsible for this ! There is still something that confuses me ... why the fuck would they do something like that ?! It is also not like Rachel to leave incriminating evidence intact ! Unless , she got too caught up in her own insanity...

Agent Govender stands up and walks over to Hector. He hands him a blue folder and  tells him , " According to DRP reports , witnesses saw Mrs White entering the DRHS building at 4am. At 5am , Rachel and her pack entered the school building. Witnesses heard a woman, presumably Mrs White yelling at her attackers , " PLEASE DON'T TELL ANYONE , THIS WILL RUIN ME ! MY REPUTATION WILL BE RUINED ! NOBODY CAN KNOW , ABOUT WHAT I DID ! ". After witnesses heard her yelling , they heard a bloodcurdling scream echoing from the school building. 5 witnesses ran outside and they saw at 5:50am , Rachel and her pack  running out of the DRHS building . At 6am , the DRHS building exploded. Luckily , Mrs White was the only fatality of the fire and no one was injured . According to ASD agents that work within DRP, they have discovered that the cause of the fire was the potion called , Ignis  . It is a potion that starts fires , so Rachel and her pack used this potion to burn down the school and to cover up their role in this crime. There is another crucial detail that you need to know. The witnesses that saw Rachel and her pack , confirmed that they saw blood dripping from Rachel's right hand ! Dave spoke to the coroner that examined Mrs Whites'  corpse and they said that the fire wasn't the cause of her death... There was a deep wound on Mrs Whites' chest and it pierced through her heart. The coroner identified a werewolf - Rachel , as the murderer ! Rachel pushed her hand into Mrs White's chest , killing her instantly. "

Hector responds in an anxious way , " Thank you for this information , Arjun. Besides the random crimes committed by Rachel and her pack , it seems like there is so much more to Mrs Whites' death... " Hector opens the folder that Agent Govender gave him and he reads it carefully. Without removing his sight from the information in the folder , Hector whispers something to himself. I try to focus my attention on him and I'm able to hear what he is saying. He whispers , " This pack is bringing unnecessary pain to Dark Raven and they are definitely worse than the Blood Hound Pack ! " Hector shakes his head , in agitation , as he flips through the pages in the folder. I hear him whisper again , " Since Rachel and her pack killed all these people , we couldn't save enough civilians ! Kate is our only hope , with help from Scott and all of us , she will kill Rachel and her pack ! If there are any other beings that threaten Dark Raven , Kate will also be the one to end them ! " Hector stops whispering and focuses his attention on a section in the folder. His eyes widen in shock and he looks at Agent Govender . Agent Govender seems tense and I hear him whisper , " We have a bigger --- "

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