Chapter 125 - The Past (ii)

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"I'm not very good at giving praise," Gu Yan said abruptly.

The timbre of his voice was low and deep, and subtly husky.

It was clearly Yan Suizhi's recollections, yet he seemed to have walked through them with him.

The twenty-year-old Yan Suizhi in his memory seemed to turn a bit shorter, his countenance more boyish, his build lanky, one unique to youths in midst of their growth spurts. He stood outside of the crowd, gentle and alone.

"Hm?" Yan Suizhi responded.

"I'm not very good at giving praise, but in the future, when you run into or do anything, no matter how interesting or uninteresting, kind-intentioned or disturbing, you can tell me." Gu Yan's voice was low and unhurried. "I'd like to hear it."

That voice even caused a faint tremor to run through Yan Suizhi's body, the achingly tender sensation surging like a tide and brimming over.

It was an unforgettable sensation, making one crave for more; that was what Yan Suizhi wholly felt around Gu Yan.

The way Gu Yan was now was impossible for people to reject—at least, he couldn't, and it even stirred an impulse in him to reciprocate in kind.

Yan Suizhi suddenly released a soft sigh, his body slowly relaxing.

For a moment, he shut his eyes, feeling as though he had returned to himself from over twenty years ago, when he was still living in his childhood home, the days unhurriedly passing him by. He languidly leaned against the windowsill, and as he sketched, he said half-genuinely to someone in the room, "In the last couple of days, I ran into a spot of trouble..."

It was bizarre. In this brief fantasy, the one listening to his complaints in the room was Gu Yan.

Yet, he didn't find anything off about that.

In the distance, a car sped by on the hover road, its headlights washing the room in luminance, only to abruptly fade away again.

Gu Yan felt the chin pressing against his shoulder move, as though in a slight nod. Thereafter, Yan Suizhi hummed in assent.

Another moment later, as if in testament to this response, Yan Suizhi spoke, "I know that you're very curious about that... medical case. Actually, you don't have to tread so carefully. It isn't something that cannot be brought up. I just don't know where to begin."

Before, Gu Yan was still somewhat unaware of the back story, but after hearing Yan Suizhi talk about the reason behind his parents' passing, he suddenly glimpsed the surface.

Yan Suizhi's parents had died because of gene surgery, and that case was associated with gene surgery as well.

Gu Yan said quietly, "The defendant..."

His tone carried slight hesitance, but Yan Suizhi took over, uttering a soft "ah", like he had finally found a place to start. "The defendant, my client, Bill Lu... he was involved in my parents' surgery.

That was the irony in life, sometimes. He took over a decade to suppress the doubts in his heart to carry out his parent's last wishes.

While the relapse only took one day.

A similar surgical mishap, a similar outcome, also people with connections. Even without evidence, it was sufficient to sink him back into the mire the days back when he was fifteen.

It was as though repressed for so many years had finally found an outlet—no matter its veracity—to vent.

He hoped that the defendant would be put behind bars. He hoped that the man would experience what all of his victims had suffered, that the man would find out what it felt like to walk alone and empty for ten years. He hoped that life would be taken to recompense a life.

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