Chapter 47 - Unmasking (i)

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Professor Yan dropped his gaze, silently looking at the corpse of the cup, "..."

Lawyer Gu also dropped his gaze, wordlessly looking at the corpse of the cup, "..."

Like teacher, like student; the two men were expressionless as they held a funeral procession for the glass shards strewn across the floor.

The atmosphere was suffocating. It was hard to tell who was more awkward than the other, and who more needed to take a draught of living death to calm down.

But the heavens never followed the will of the people, arranging an unrelenting blockhead to give a hard knock to their souls. "Gu? Gu, are you listening? Eh? Is the connection bad?" The other party mumbled, fiddling around with something or other, persistently asking again two seconds later, "Huh, I don't have a problem with the signal on my end. Gu? Can you hear me?"

Gu Yan was finally forced to give up the funeral.

He clicked his tongue, darting a look at the silly face the other had set on the hologram of his device. Silently closing his eyes, he said, "I can hear you. I'm a little busy with something at the moment, I'll call you back later."

"Huh?" The other side didn't catch the hint. "No, it's nothing serious, I don't need you to call back. I only want to ask how's the program you tried, did the interference work?"

Gu Yan, "..."

His handsome face was completely frozen over. He stayed mute for two seconds before slowly replying, "The result was quite stimulating. Thank you."

The other, "???"

However, Gu Yan didn't say anything else and directly cut the line.

After the call was cut off, silence descended upon the room.

And with this, the atmosphere became even more suffocating.

Professor Yan, who had been playing dead this whole while, could no longer keep up the pretense. He gently exhaled. The sigh was slight, like in acceptance of the milk that had been spilled, and he raised his gaze to meet Gu Yan's eyes.

They stared at each other. After a long while, Gu Yan angled his head away first, perhaps in vexation or simply wishing to wash his hands off this entire episode.

"It seems that there is no longer any need for what I initially wanted to discuss with you," Yan Suizhi said lightly, and after a short pause, he continued. "But now I've another question I want to ask."

Gu Yan still didn't look at him, only moving his lips to spit out two words. "Go ahead."

"I'm the one whose identity got exposed, so why is it that you look more awkward than me?"


Gu Yan almost broke out in laughter from sheer rage.

"You've stolen all my share, now it'd be weird for me to get awkward too." The esteemed Professor Yan even said this with a smile, making his words sound all the more dismissive.

It was probably a particular gift that a certain someone had. Any casual remark could rile people into speechlessness. It was one thing to be riled up, but because his words never touched on anything morally offensive or important, it was impossible to his words with any measure of seriousness.

For a moment, it was like a scene was replayed.

If there was a dean's desk between them and an office chair behind Yan Suizhi, it would be a true-to-life replica of the scene that used to occur in the dean's office many years ago. Based on the original script, Gu Yan should, in the next second, get so furious that he'd slam the door behind him, storming off with a glacial look on his face.

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