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I woke up due to my alarm and I saw the Letter on my bedside table. "Yeah right, i wanted to open the letter today."

I sat up in my bed and took the Letter.

Dear Y/n

Your dirty thoughts are really conspicuous you know that?

however I think we can work on it... if we get to know each other better.

It's business, not romantic... not yet.. just joking. See me today in my Room at 11:00 a.m. sharp.

Lesso xx

Wait did she put two x's behind her name?! do she know what that means? Ah never mind.
today there were no classes until tomorrow again. That can also explain why I should come to her so early. I put on my favorite Black boots and a white turtleneck sweater with black trousers.

I did my make-up and went to breakfast.

I saw Lesso argue with Dovey.
"Hey Lady Lesso, Dovey. What's up?" "Miss Salazar,hey... " Lesso said. "Miss Salazar, good that you are here! We were talling about that Lesso's students can't talk with the evers like the last crap!" I just laugh "Dovey, I think you forgot that we are evil." she glared at me and stormed out of the hall.

"Is she always like this?" I asked.
"Yes.. sadly." She said.
I grabbed an Apple and a slice of bread. I sat down next to Lesso who is already eating.  "Y/n, is it ok if you come to my room right after breakfast?" I swallowed my food and said "no problem, I don't have any plans." She smirkt and took her plate away. she stood next to me and waited for me to finish.I hurried because I didn't want to keep her waiting.

"Ok, I m ready." I said while standing up. "Ok, then come." We walked to her room without speaking one word.

She opened the door to her room and closed it behind her.
"So what so you wanna talk about Red panda?" I asked.
"Your dirty thoughts lil vampire." She said. Oh great...
"There is a method to make your thoughts quieter...then it's easier for both of us." I nod and asked "and how does it work?" she sighed "well.. you have to let your thoughts come true." EXCUSE ME?! Hell nah-

"So what do you wanna do now." She asked quietly.
"If you don't feel uncomfortable, a hug and a kiss maybe..." her eyes widen at the Word 'kiss.'
"if your mind is satisfied then.. come here." She pulled me towards her by my waist and hugged me for a moment. but then she kissed me... damn she was a good kisser. "Happy?" She asked. I was beaming from ear to ear and was completely red. "Y-yes Red panda. Thank you." She smirkt and said "thank me not too soon. maybe it didn't work and your thoughts are still so loud tomorrow." I nod and asked if I can go to my dorm now. She agreed and I went to my dorm.


Ok.. that was something?
Well what should I do now? I don't have any classes.
That's it.
The libery.

I walked through the big halls and after around 5 to 10 minutes I finally arrived at the Libery.

"I just love the smell of books." I said out loud.
"And I love the smell of rumors."
A voice said. "Who said that?" I asked. "It's me." Suddently Hester was standing infront of me. "Oh Hester.. hi. What rumors are you talking about?"
I asked annoyed.

"Oh c'mon we can all see thst you are in love with Lady Lesso, so don't act so inoccent." She said with a very phychotic smile.

I just ignored her and walked away. I grabed a book and didn't even look at her. I felt how pissed she is right now.

Love it.

she stood in front of me and pushed the book down.

"don't you dare turn your back on me." She said.

"Or what? Are you gonna stab me? Pethatic."I said unimpressed and i focused back on the book. I thought she was gone so I just relaxt.

Suddently I heard a scream and I saw hester running towards me. WITH A FUCKING KNIFE?!

"Yo yo Hester relax!" I yelped and this bitch actually statt me in the stomach. "DAMN IT YOU LITTLE HOE!" I yelled at her.
But she was already gone.

I decided to go to Lesso and ask where the nurse is as I can't remember.

knock Knock

Lesso opened the door and looked at me.

"What do you want lil vampire." She asked.

"Well, hester stabed me and I don't know were the nurse is" she looked at me with big eyes. "SHE STABED YOU? Where let me see!" She draged me into her room and saw the knife in my stomach. "You don't need a nurse. I can do it too." She said will grabing a first aid kit. "Can you take off your top?" She asked. I blushed a lil cus she would see me half naked now. But I finally took of my top. She grabed a pressure bandage and disinfectant from the kit and knelt down in front of me to get to the point where the knofe is. "Its quiet deep... I'm sorry but its going to hurt." She took the knife and pulled it out of my stomach. "FOR FUCK SAKE THAT HURT LIKE HELL!" I yelped while I squeeze her arm.

"Y/n it's bleeding profusely can we continue?" She asked.

"Right... sorry." I let go of her hand and she put on the desinfection. 'It burns so much' I thought.  'I know Y/n but hold on for a moment' wow Lesso is in my mind again... but now i'm used to it so its fine.

she ties the pressure bandage around my stomach and fixes it with tape. Suddenly Hester was standing in the doorway with a camera. what the hell is she up to.

"I knew that I would find you here... and look, your little friend is even kneeling in front of you." She took a picture and ran away with a devilish laugh. "THIS BITCH!" I yelled. "What was that for?" Lesso asked. I told her the whole Story and now she understands everything. "Oh this little bitch will end up in the doom room..." lesso hissed.  "We should go to lunch.. but here take this." she threw me a t-shirt of hers because firstly mine was full of blood and secondly it had a fucking hole in it. "Thanks red." I said with a smile. She smiled too and I put on the Shirt. "suits you" sje said quietly. We went to the dinning hall and saw everyone looking at us. Dovey walked up to us with a furious smile. "LADY LESSO! Did you sleep with miss Salazar?!" We both looked cofused.


She smiled at us and we both knew she was the reason for this.

"No Dovey. Hester stabed Y/n and then I just supplied her wound." I pulled up my Shirt and let her see what Lesso did.

"Hester stabed you?! Why" dovey asked.

"Long story... i tell you another time." Lesso and I sat down and begun to eat. Every bite hurt and Lesso noticed it "are you ok?" She asked. "No.. it hurt so fucking much"

Let me see the wound. She pulled up my Shirt whole she was sitting next to the other teachers. "We have to switch the bandage its full of blood." I nod and asked. "Can we go to your room please?" She Tool the last bite out of her bread and stood up with me.

but when I got up I noticed how weak I am and I fell into Lesso's arms. "I'm sorry Lesso.. I just can't-" I couldn't speak anymore and passed out. i heard people talking around me and asking questions like 'is she alright' or 'what happened'.


I woke up in a hospital bed and saw Lesso sitting next to me. I looked around and asked "Lesso? Where am I?" She looked at me and said quietly "in the hospital room. You lost a lot of blood." "Ah miss Salazar is awake? Great so Lady Lesso if you wouldn't mind could you take care of her for the day and maybe tomorrow?" She nld and I saw that the njrse gave her some medication. "Y/n, can you stand up?wanna go to my room?" I nod and slowly stood up. I clung to Lesso's arms and she led me to her room.

"You have to rest little one. We missed dinner cause you were in the hospital so you can sleep through. " I nod and she covered me up. She put on her pajamas and lay down next to me. "may I under your arm?" I asked. She looked a lil confused but eventuallY opened her Arms. I clung to her waist and fell asleep on her.

This chapter ist fucking random but ok. Hester was a quick solution because otherwise the chapter would be too short. Hope you like it.
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Miss Salazar    Lady Lesso x fem reader.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora