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i packed my suitcase because today i will start my first day at evil school. To be honest I'm a bit nervous as I don't really know what to expect.

i was in this school myself, but i don't know if the school has changed in the last 10 years.perhabs it stayed the  same? Ah who knows?

i finally finished packing and was ready to go to the clearing where i was collected as a schoolgirl. I hate that bird till now.. its gibt was very fucking thight. I waited for about 5 or 10 minutes until the bird finally showed up. "Finally you fricking bird." I said out loud. As usual the birds gibt was tight and this bitch droped me into the water... i thought I might get some better treatment cus' I was a teacher now.. but no.

But ok We're in the school for evil.

i walked into the great hall and saw a tall redheaded woman.. damn she was hot.
I walked up to her and asked "excuse me ma'am, are you the dean for the school? i'm miss salazar, curses and deathtraps and potions teacher." She looked at me and said "I am indeed the Dean for the school, lady lesso. it's good that you are here... I really need help with these howler monkeys." I giggled at the Name she gave the Students. "What is so funny?!" She Askese with a deep voice. I twitched a little at her voice but I don't wanna make her more angry so I said "Its just the facto that you call your students howler monkeys. " she thought about it for a moment and then started to chuckle.
"would you excuse me now, i have fresh villains to attend to" with These words she start screaming through the hall "ATTENTION! ATTENTION FUTURE EVIL! If you open your tiny bloodshot eyes you will find your dormitories and class shedules around the halls. It would suit you well to memorise both ; make me proud."

She dissmissed the students and gestured to me with her eyes 'follow me'.

I followed her and as we arrived at a big oak door she said "we still have to discuss a few things and then please come directly to the assembly room at 12:00 sharp." I nod and she showed me a armchair where to sit down.
She sat at the opposite side of my and gave me two sheeds of paper. On said 'class shedules' and the other on 'dorm number'. She also gave me the key to my classrooms and my dorm.

"So miss Salazar, why did you choose  potions and  curses and deathtraps as your subjects?" She asked. "because i saw that this subject is nearly every daywhich is why the responsible teacher needs support. my grades in these subjects were also excellent." she wrote down everything I said and kept asking some questions. "Do you know whoch teacher teach these subjects?"

"No ma'am." I said. "Well, your lucky because I'm the teacher for these two subjects. Thateans I will be your teacher for the first few weeks, that means  you look what i’m doing and takes notes. after about 2 to 3 weeks you take over and I just sit there and see how you are doing. Understood?"
I nod and looked at my watch. "What time is it?" Lesso asked. "five to 12" she stood up and said. "Come , I have to introduce you to the other colleagues. and then we can go to the assembly hall" i stood up as well and we walked directly to the assembly hall. "Didn't you want to introduce me to the others?" She looked down at me and said "you are old enough to introduce yourself to everyone, that means to the students too" she's right. Like I'm 25 not 5. The hall was Split in half just like 10 years ago. All evil teachers sat at 
a big table just like the good teachers. After like 5 minutes the students came into the hall and sat down. Lady Lesso yelled across the hall "SHUT UP!" Everyone went silent and the Dean of the scholl for good started speaking "I'm proffesor Dovey, Dean for the school for good." The evers start chanting 'EVERS,EVERS,EVERS!' But they got cut off from Lady Lesso "And I'm Lady Lesso, Dean for the school for evil." The Nevers start chanting 'KILL YOU, KILL YOU, KILL YOU!' "SILENT!" Lesso yelled. "We got a new teacher who would like to insroduce herself to you all." She looked at me and said "you may come to the front." I stood up and went up to were Lady Lesso stands. "My name is Miss Salazar, I will teach you in curses and deathtraps and potions." I got interrupted by an ever who said "you look way to young to be an teacher." I looked at him and said "and you look way to old to be a student so shut up." Lesso chuckeld a lil and said "If any of you dare to dissrespect her... well lets say you wont get away with it without a scar." Everyone stayed silent and after around 15 minutes the ceromony was over.

I went to my dorm in the fourth floor and saw Lady Lesso behind me. "Oh Lady Lesso, is your dorm also in this coridor?" "as a matter of fact, yes. Miss Salazar I want you to have this. Its the key of my room, if you need anything or if you need to Talk you can come into my room and if I'm not in my room and you need to bring me anything like paperwork and Stoff you can use it, but if you Lose it you are in big trouble ok?" I nod and Tool the key. "Thank you Lady Lesso, I really appreciate that; but to be fare you get a copy of mine too. You can always come into the room.
" she took the key as well and we both went to our dorms. Hers Was on the right site and mine was on the left side. It was way bigger than the dorms from the Student and it got a beautiful bathroom. It got a bathtub and a shower ; thats pretty cool.. not gonna lie. The bed was really big and was placed in the middle of the room. Next to the bed was a desk and a night table.on the other side was also a dressing table and a wardrobe. It was just beautiful. The day was long and I was really tired so I changed my clothes and went to bed.

hi guys as said in the last story, this one will be longer and in english hope you like it. love u:) (1135 words)

Miss Salazar    Lady Lesso x fem reader.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя