Chapter 6: [This video is unavailable]

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It was the middle of the night. The cool breeze of the air rustled the green trees, blowing some of their leaves away into the endless navy sky. It was quiet and the animals were relatively peaceful at this time too. There were some issues that were within this site though. In one spot, there was a massive fire that broke out. There were still some little wisps of them, but they were mainly dying down due to the cold atmosphere. Overall, it was just ashy and dried up in that spot. In another place, there was a busted RV that was traveling slowly in a wavy pathway. It soon came to a complete stop though, basically dying right on the track.

Three: "GODDAMMIT." He slammed the wheel.

Meanwhile, Four was sitting right in the back, hardly able to move. He still was in a lot of pain; the burns and cuts he got from the crash stung his whole body. Worst of all, his brain was all scrambled up. He could somewhat speak though. "...Three-"

Three whined, laying his head on the helm. "I just need him to be safe... Why can't he just be okay?!" He heaved excessively as his blood boiled.

Four: "THREE!"

A sharp ring ran through Three's ears and body. "Huh?!" He rotated to face Four in the back, at least to his best ability.

Four: "Listen to me..."

Three shook, barely being able to stand up properly. "You gotta be safe..." The only sound transmitting throughout his ears was static and repetitive reminders. "YOU GOTTA BE SAFE." His heart was aching intensely alongside everything else.

Four tried to stand up, but ended up flopping onto his face. "OW- .... Three?"

Three: "FOUR!" He ran to his side and lifted him off the ground. "Are you okay? Are you okay?? Are you okay?! ARE YOU OKAY?!?!"

Four tried to soothe Three by caressing his arms. "I'm fine! I just fell off... I can easily just-"

Three's grasp on him became tighter. "You gotta be safe. YOU GOTTA BE SAFE!"

Four began to panic and tried to wiggle out of Three's arms. "I'M OKAY DUDE!!" Soon enough, he saw familiar eyed goo stem from Three, covering the RV walls.

Three: "DO YOU SEE?!"




A couple months back, things were totally different for everyone. Back when the original castle had just sunk, and back when Four's home was an RV. Most importantly, back when Three was more mentally stable.

He had his lists up and ready, each for every new step Four made in rehabilitation. He's been building this up for a week now, so he figured that it'll be fine and that he'll get Four up and going in no time.

Three: "I proclaim this as... another personal yet ambitious project that I embark on. I'm sure it's going to be fun!"

He sipped his coffee. He had a feeling that this would at least be okay.


On one normal day, he proceeded to open up a portal, leading him to Four's RV. He then slid in and did some show off poses. "Wassup loser! I'm here with another session for you." He closed his eyes, waiting for Four's response. "...Four?" He lifted his eyelids, searching the area. He looked outside the window only to see odd figures, wandering around the plains. Three slowly stepped out of the RV, investigating the area.


Four: "MARIO!"

It was them, they were getting hunted down. Possibly by those weird figures. Before he knew it, he spotted those two rushing towards the RV. Out of instinct, he hopped out of the way, face planting on the grass. The RV quickly drove off, with many weird figures chasing it. You gotta be kidding, Three thought to himself. He got back on his feet and rushed from behind. As the chase went on, he fell further and further behind, so he started sending out knuckles to take care of the business. Eventually, he got close enough to grab onto the back of the vehicle. Okay, Three needed to redirect this thing, so he called the knuckles to bring them a different direction, away from the aliens. They drove on until they were at the new castle site.

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