An Elf's Thoughts

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Formora opened her mouth to tell him a few things. "I don't mind being with you, Perseus, but you should know, there are some elves who would look down on our relationship, especially on you. They will think you are too young, or immature, to weak and a human." She warned him.

Perseus looked at her, and with seriousness in his eyes and voice he said to her, "I don't care. Let them talk or feel how they want to. What we choose to do with our lives, or our love, is our right, not theirs. I love you, that's all I know and care about in regards to our relationship. If anyone has a problem with it? That's their problem, fuck them." he leaned down and kissed her lips, sliding his tongue into her mouth.

She closed her eyes and moved her tongue against his own, accepting his love for her, and sending her own to him from her mind to his. They stayed in the bed with their lips locked for several moments, just expressing, wordlessly, their love for one another. Eventually they had to get up and go perform their duties, well what ones they had left.

"Master Oromis might have some words for the two of us, it is rather late in the day, after all. He doesn't like a day wasted, when it could have been spent doing something productive." Perseus mused out loud.

"Oh, I wouldn't be too worried about that. I did tell him we might be indisposed for several hours. He understood and promised not to disturb us, if he could help it." Formora said, before reluctantly getting up and heading to the washroom.

Perseus' eyes glued to the beautiful elf's ass as she walked, she glanced at him from over her shoulders, and smiled saucily, before winking, and swaying her hips and ass even more.

"Well, are you coming? Just because we have some leeway, doesn't mean we should waste the hours we can use to be doing something more, fun." Formora called out from the washroom. Perseus jumped up and all but flew into the washroom downstairs.

Oromis' P.O.V

'Glaedr, I would appreciate some input on a matter concerning young Perseus and Formora.' the wised elf thought to his old partner of heart, mind, and soul.

'Input on what? I don't see what about the two of them is concerning you at the moment.' the dragon thought back to his rider.

'Do you think it was wise, to allow for them to lay with one another? Should I have stopped it? Encouraged it more than I did? Discouraged it, perhaps? They are different in age.' Oromis thought.

'Was it wise to allow them to act natural and lay with one another? Perhaps or perhaps not. It's not our right to tell them who they can or can't be with, when it comes to mating. If it works out, then it does, if it doesn't, then it doesn't. Life goes on, this could be a valuable lesson to the both of them. Love and happiness, once found, fight to keep it. The world is a darkening place, every day more and more pain and horror is showered on the world. A little bit of love right now, is a good thing to see. What is going to happen, will happen. To ease your consciousness, however, I do believe the two of them will be fine. Though I'm not sure how well it will go over with the friends of Perseus, he seems to attract females like a pride of lions, Formora might have a big competition on her hands there.' Glaedr's deep voice baritoned.

Oromis snorted at hearing that. It was true though, most of Perseus' friends were of the female variety. 'Yes, and Arya is already showing a possessive behavior towards Perseus. I shudder to think how she will act when she is older. I almost feel bad for the young man. I almost feel bad for the fool. Dealing with all of these women, especially Arya is going to cause him to premature gray hair.'

Glaedr let out a deep, guttural laughter, 'That girl should have been born a dragon. She has the temperament of one, a wild one at that. Then again, Perseus himself has the anger, wrath, temper, and loyalty of one. A match more made for one another I've never seen.'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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