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Formora's P.O.V

After taking Perseus to the homes of the riders, and hearing his answer, we headed back to the others, at the royal hall.

'Honestly, I am so not looking forward to this conversation. Though hopefully Vrael is gone. Oromis is much easier to talk to and get along with.' I thought to myself, inwardly sighing at how explosive Vrael had been, ever since the betrayal.

'I understand he's having a difficult time processing the traitorous actions of our fellow riders. He needs to quit acting as though he was the only one attacked or almost killed. He attacked a child, an innocent child, over his own biases and prejudices. Not all humans are the same. We all were betrayed. We all watched our friends, and students cut down, their dragons torn open to be robbed and pillaged of their Eldunari. Some of us have even seen our lovers or children die.' I thought solemnly, anger and sadness floating through my mind, in regards to the acts of the cowardly Forsworn.

'Are you alright, hatch ling?' I heard the voice of Jord. I smiled.

'I'm fine, old friend. Thank you for your concern.' I thought back.

"Excuse me, miss Formora? Mister Oromis told me some things about being a dragon rider, but I'm not sure he told me everything. What does it feel like? What are the responsibilities of it? Who is going to teach me? How long will they teach me? Where will they teach me? Will I be allowed to still be around Arya, or any other friends I make?" I was taken out of my inner thoughts, upon hearing the voice of Perseus.

I glanced down at him, his bright, sea green eyes staring back at me, a look of curiosity present in them, along with a small amount of anxiety. I smiled at him gently, before kneeling and bringing my face closer to his.

"A rider's bond, is one of the most beautiful things in the world, Perseus. It can be slightly disorienting at first, that is true, but once it forms? You will grow to love and cherish it. I have been bonded with Jord, for centuries, and now? I can't even begin to imagine what life would be like without her. Responsibilities and your teacher, however, I will let Master Oromis tell you, I can't spoil everything, now can I? You will be taught here in the forest. Of course you can still be around your friends, we would never separate you from them, or demand you stop seeing them. We aren't evil, you know. Why wouldn't you make any other friends? Though, I will grant you, there are only a handful of children here in Du Weldenvarden, at this time. Elves have always had a low birth rate." I said to him, while smiling conspiratorially.

'Hm, maybe I shouldn't have mentioned anything regarding the low child birth of elves, oh well. Too late now.' I felt a small smirk slowly form over my face. Then another thought entered my head, one that, upon its arrival, started getting stronger.

'Maybe I should be his mentor? He would be my first student, so that could be an interesting idea. Vrael probably wouldn't agree though. Maybe I can get master Oromis to back me up on this? He would most likely agree. He taught me after all. Yes, I think that's what I shall do.' the idea was set firmly in my head. I would mentor this boy. I couldn't wait, I was so excited!

Evandar's P.O.V

'Well this should prove interesting. I can't help but wonder though, how will the world change with this boy's arrival? Arya seems to like him, so far. Though she is only three. Why do I get the feeling that they will be mates in the future? Oh well, that is a long time away. At least two hundred years, possibly even three hundred. If ever. She will be my little girl forever, even when she is a thousand years old. I won't allow any boy or man to touch her. Never!' I thought to myself.

'Now that I think about it, Perseus does bare a remarkable appearance, to HIM. Coincidence? I'm not sure. Surely HE would have told us though, if he had a son or brother or something, right? Then again, he just showed up out of nowhere.' I thought, glimpsing a few memories of a man, I had met before.

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