Chapter 6

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Arya's P.O.V

'This is so not fair. Who cares if I'm only three years old a child! Just because they/re adults, doesn't mean they are right! I should be able to be down there too, Perseus is, and he's not much older than me!' I fumed silently to myself. I was furious. Acting like they have a right to say what I can or cannot do, just because they're big people and I'm little. Hmph!

'Perhaps a little spying could work? After all, mother just said I had to come to my room. She did not say, however, how long I had to stay in here.' I felt a small smirk on my face. Quietly walking over to the door of my room, I gently opened it, sending a small, silent thanks to Oromis – Elda. I watched as the beautiful eggs were pulled out a glorious chest. Each one quite gorgeous and mesmerizing, of a brilliant and shining color. Black, blue, and purple. I could barely hold back a gasp, along with a weird feeling shooting through me.

I watched as my new friend? Well, hopefully a new friend, touched each egg, moving his hands over them, one by one. I was about to turn away and head back into my room, when I heard a cracking. Quickly turning around, I let out a small noise of surprise. For each egg was starting to split, jagged marks running all over the surfaces. They were hatching.

Three cute little creatures stumbled out of their former prisons. Each of them crawled over to their rider. The blue and purple ones attacked his hands, while the black one nuzzled into his chest. I narrowed my emerald colored, slitted eyes at it. Hey, he was my friend first, you scaly, overgrown black lizard, go get your own! A bright, harsh burst of golden light, temporarily blinded me. When it faded, all three hatchlings and Perseus were unconscious. I noticed he had golden threads, criss crossing over his arms, along with a a small picture of a dragon on each hand, one to match each color of the new hatchlings. Blue, black, and purple.

'Was this normal? Judging by the look on everyone's faces, I'm guessing no.' I mused to myself.

'Well, I think I have seen enough. Better head back to my room before mother sees me and kills me.' I thought to myself, before turning around and heading back.

Perseus' Point Of View

"Well, that was mildly unpleaseant. Still though, I've felt worse." I said, upon waking up.

"What the hell was that, anyways? I felt a brief, icy, slight bit of pain, once I touched the dragons. Anyone care to explain?" I asked annoyed. It didn't hurt, but I don't appreciate being hurt or attacked without forewarning.

"It was the bond being established. Now, within time, you and your dragons will start communicating. Thoughts, feelings, and other such things." Oromis spoke.

"Oh, that's nice. Wait, what?!" I began to say, before letting what he said sink in.

"Yes, you are a dragon rider, or rather a dragon rider apprentice. That means, over the next week, these three dragons, will begin to think, feel, act. All of these things, you will share with them. You, in time, will train and become a fully fledged rider. However in the mean time, you should strengthen your bond with your dragons. Begin to think of names, for in a few days, or even a few weeks, they will start to speak to you. Suggest names to them, at that time, and the dragon will know their name. Make no mistake, the dragon chooses the name. The bond between you four, will be unlike anything we have ever seen. In the history of the dragon rider order, a rider has never had more than one dragon. This should prove to be quite challenging. We will have to reevaluate our training for the four of you." Vrael reluctantly said.

'Hm, he said four of us? I'm thinking he means the dragons and myself. But something doesn't feel right. I don't feel one of the dragons as strongly, and there's another presence I can feel inside. It feels strangely familiar, but I don't know why or how. All I know, is I have met this person before. Should I say anything? I'm already an anomaly.' I thought to myself.

Just as I was pondering this, I heard a voice.

'Hmph, stupid adults. Just because they are big and older than me, it makes them think they can do whatever they want. Well they can't! I hope Perseus is okay. He still has yet to meet Faolin and Glenwing with me.' I recognized the voice, after thinking on it for a few moments, plus the two names mentioned. It was Arya's. Which meant one of the dragons, hatched for her!

Three sensations slammed into me. Hunger. A deep, driving hunger. I shook my head, smiling, subconsciously. Glancing up, I asked a question out loud.

"Okay, so I'm getting the feeling of hunger. How do I feed them? What do they eat? I'm assuming meat, but I don't know if it's a certain kind of meat, or if there's any around here, or if I'm allowed to get meat for them. Are there any kind of rules for them? For that matter, are there any rules or laws I need to follow, while here?" I fired off.

Formora opened her mouth, and spoke, "They do eat meat, yes. Mostly deer, or even wild boars. Though with their age, you would have to hunt for them. Elves don't eat meat, unless we are starving and have literally no choice. There are several other laws and rules that you will need to learn. Now, you can either go and hunt a deer for them, or if you are preferable, I could have Jord hunt for them? I'm sure she would not mind."

I thought about it, and decided to take her up on her offer. "Very well, that would be great, thank you. Let me know what I can do to repay you in the future for your act of kindness." I bowed my head, showing her my debt to her.

She smiled, "Well no payment is necessary, but if you insist on it, I will remember it for later."

Her eyes held a far away look in them, which I'm assuming, meant she was speaking to her dragon, mentally, since she hasn't said anything out loud. Meanwhile, I was thinking over names, as suggested. Though, according to them, I wouldn't know what to call them until at least a few days from now. Perhaps the names will come to me as well.

Hearing a loud landing outside, we all walked out, the three dragons perched on my head, and shoulders, somehow. Upon seeing the dead deer lay there, Islanzadi and Evandar looked away.

"What, never seen a dead animal before? It's nature. Quit being so squeamish." I teased the monarchs, hearing the ones known as Brom and Hrothgar snort in amusement. The elf king and queen threw us some dirty looks, but said nothing.

The three hatchlings took off and once they reached the, rather large deer, spat their tongues out and begun to lick away. I noticed their tongues had rather large barbs on them.

'Hm, maybe as a defense mechanism? Perhaps a way to take down prey?' I thought.

"So, can anyone tell me why they have barbs on their tongues? Seems odd." I asked out loud.

"It's what allows them to eat their prey. The barbs lick everything off the animal." Oromis said, though I noticed he didn't look to pleased with the carnage of the growing dragons.

King Hrothgar said to me, "I can't wait to see what you accomplish as a rider, young godling. It has been too long since one of your kind walked these lands. You must come to Tronjheim sometime. Mine people shall be honored to host you, and hear your story."

"I eagerly look forward to meeting your people, King Hrothgar. It would be an honor to compare our cultures." I told him sincerely.

'Oh gods. That doesn't sound like me. What the hell is wrong with me?!' I thought to myself. Suddenly a flash of a woman appeared in my head. Blonde princess curls, beautiful stormy grey eyes, a nice tan, lovely body. A name. Annabeth Chase. Who was she? What did she mean to me?

"When do I start training? My role as a rider? What all does it entail? How do I train in it? Where do I train in it?" I asked.

"All in due time, young Perseus, all in due time." Oromis said aloud.

The End

Now I know I'm going to get a lot of questions, maybe.

But I don't know what to tell you. Don't expect this to be a normal Inheritance Cycle fanfic. It won't be. There will be many supernatural creatures showing up. I have huge plans for this fic.

The honorifics of the elves, such as traditional greetings, I am not typing out. One, I can't remember them, I don't want to keep looking them up and writing them, and Percy wouldn't say them anyways.

Any other questions, feel free to ask.

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