CHAPTER 87 - Learn from the Pro

Start from the beginning

The fans are getting bigger and Kim Dokja have a feeling that what Dokgak was trying to do will make their influences getting bigger.

Kim Dokja continued speaking. This was the most important part.

“Honestly, I don’t want to leave these constellations behind in this channel. Therefore, I want you to build a bridge so that the constellations can move channels with me.” Kim Dokja who remembered what they were doing in Ways of Survival change the words to fit his condition.

[The constellation ‘Demon-like Judge of Fire’ will judge your sincerity.]

[The constellation ‘Secretive Plotter’ is somewhat annoyed.]

[The constellation ‘Prisoner of the Golden Headband’ is actively giving off annoyance.]

[The constellation ‘Prisoner of the Golden Headband’ asks if you really want to move channels.]

Dokgak smiled like he was interested. “A bridge?

“Connect your channel to me.” Kim Dokja said.

Then isn’t it like a duplicated connection?” Dokgak frowned at Kim Dokja proposal.

“It doesn’t matter. You will be able to move channels through me without having to struggle with the constellations.” Kim Dokja continued.

Hrmm. That’s true. Very interesting.” Dokgak seems to be interested with Kim Dokja words.

“There is also something I’m curious about.” Kim Dokja suddenly asked.

Curious about?” Dokgak tilted his head when he heard Kim Dokja question.

“What types of constellations are in the channel I will contract with? I’m just wondering what a big channel looks like since I’ve only been in a small channel like this. I would like to see it in advance. Is it okay?” Kim Dokja give him more questions about what he’s curious about.

Kim Dokja deliberately spoke while looking towards Bihyung.

Bihyung’s expression became hurt in real time.

A smile of satisfactory appeared on Dokgak’s face.
Bihyung, you signed with a really good incarnation. I really think so.

Dokgak’s hands moved through the air and he started to manipulate the system.
Good. Then let’s show you the air of a big city.

The next moment, it felt like a new cord was stuck in Kim Dokja’s body. There was a definite connection that seemed to lead somewhere.

Kim Dokja slowly blinked and felt countless gazes on him. One, two, three… all the hairs on my body rose. It was quite different from Bihyung’s channel.

Kim Dokja could feel their presences just from their eyes.

Amazing. This was the channel of a dokkaebi who dominated Tokyo Dome? But how much they feel as he did it with five intermediate dokkaebis at the same time? Kim Dokja thought as he wondered about the pressure that character felt in the Ways of Survival.

How is it? There is a new league for you to play in.” Dokgak asked with a proud look.

It seemed that there weren’t just Japanese constellations. Did this jerk had fixed subscriptions on other continents or worlds? If I worked in such a place, how many coins could I get at once? To be honest, I couldn’t even guess. How did that group know and influenced them? The writer is really one of those cultist members. Kim Dokja thought.

Kim Dokja murmured, “Great. Isn’t this really big?”

Then the contract…” Dokgak urge Kim Dokja to sign the contract.

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