Chapter Nine

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September 8th, 2020

"Broderick! Blue! Are y'all ready cause we have go now!" I yell out to them as I put Beauty's shirt and pants on her.

"Yeah, Dad! I'm just putting my shoes on!" Broderick yells back to me.

"I'm ready too, I just have to put my shoes on and put my hair up!" Blue yells back to me.

"Blue just leave your hair down, I'm taking you to a Hairstylists at a Hair Salon later on today, okay!" I yell out to her.

"Okay Daddy!" Blue yells back to me.

I softly smile at Beauty.

"Happy Birthday Beauty." I say to her in a soft tone as I kiss her all over her face.

Beauty is giggling as she tries to push my face away from hers.

I kiss Beauty's face a couple more times before I finally pull away.

I then quickly grab the socks and shoes that goes with her outfit.

At first I am struggling since Beauty keeps kicking her feet, kicking them every single where.

Suddenly I bite my bottom lip, while trying to keep myself from screaming.

Beauty really just kicked my dick, hard as fuck at that.

Whew she is really really and truly lucky that I love her.

Anyways I finally get Beauty's socks and shoes on her feet.

I then carefully pick Beauty up.

I slowly yet carefully put Beauty on my hip, while I stare at her.

"Beauty kicking Daddy in the privates wasn't nice." I tell her causing her to giggle.

I lightly shake my head as I then look around my room to see if everythang is good and cleaned up, which it is thank God.

Suddenly I feel wet slobbery kisses on my cheek, causing a smile to instantly form on my face.

"Da Da." Beauty says to me as she continues to kiss my cheek with her wet slobbery kisses.

I smile as I skillfully grab Beauty's Bag off my bed.

I place the strap of Beauty's Bag on my other shoulders.

"Okay, leggo Beauty." I tell her as I kiss her cheek.

As I then walk Beauty and I right outta of my room, I hear Broderick and Blue running right down the stairs.

"Broderick grab my keys off the table and unlock my Suburban!" I yell out to him.

"Okay Dad!" Broderick yells back to me.

And just as I'm walking Beauty and I down the stairs, I see Broderick and Blue running right outta the front door, racing to my Suburban.


Today I have decided for The Kids and I to Visit Brianne's Grave, since today is both her and Beauty's Birthday.

We walk around The Cemetery for a little while, trying to find The McCoy Lot.

"Daddy, how much longer do we have to keep walking." Blue asks me as she whines.

Beauty starts whinning too.

I take a few deep breaths in and out, a few times.

"Not that much longer Blue Blue." I tell her as I finally find The McCoy Lot.

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