Chapter Eight

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September 6th, 2020

BB Bear 🐻💛: Do you have any plans for today??

Kelly: Yeah I do.

BB Bear 🐻💛: Where you are going and what is you finna do??

Kelly: A, none of ya damn business and B, none of ya damn business.

BB Bear 🐻💛: *sucks teeth while rolling my eyes*

BB Bear 🐻💛: *pouts, cries, sobs, kicks feet, throws stuff*

Kelly: Hea we go again being an Overdramatic Ass. 🙄😭

Kelly: BB you can't be like that tho, it's a surprise I can't even tell you anythang.

Kelly: Cause you know if I give you a little hint then Imma end up telling you the whole entire thang and it won't even be a surprise anymore.

BB Bear 🐻💛: Yeah you right, you right.

Kelly: I mean duh we been knew this.

Kelly: So what are you up to today?

BB Bear 🐻💛: Well since Blue and Broderick are at their friend's Houses, and it's just Beauty and I hea at The House, we'll just be chilling in the living room the whole entire day, watching Tv Shows, while pigging out on hella Snacks.

Kelly: You speaking my Language.

Kelly: You know that's my Love Language.

BB Bear 🐻💛: Yeah I know.

BB Bear 🐻💛: And I mean shiiiittttt if you wanna slide right on over hea, you can just join us.

Kelly: Okay, I might take you up on that after I'm finished with what I gotta do today.

BB Bear 🐻💛: Okay.

BB Bear 🐻💛: OOOOOOH WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT.....I just got an even more better idea.

Kelly: OML what is this better idea you speak of??

BB Bear 🐻💛: Okay so what if I drop Beauty off a my Parents House, then I come scoop you up and take you right back to my House, and we just Netflix and Chill. 😏

BB Bear 🐻💛: Is my idea great or what.

Kelly: Nigga pls.

Kelly: That idea is straight up ass.

Kelly: That is not even gonna happen. 👎🏾

BB Bear 🐻💛: Kells why you gotta be like that. 😔

Kelly: Cause we're best friends Beyoncé and best friends don't fuck each other.

BB Bear 🐻💛: Okay we are best friends, and best friends can fuck, cause you see we took each other's Virginities.

Kelly: You just gonna keep bringing that up every single time huh?

BB Bear 🐻💛: And IS!!

BB Bear 🐻💛: And WILL!!

BB Bear 🐻💛: And ALWAYS!!

BB Bear 🐻💛: Cause that's my #1 favorite of all time for our time together, cause it was very very important and special to us.

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