Chapter Seven

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September 4th, 2020

I slowly open my eyes, only to be met with the most beautiful and the most gorgeous face to ever Exist, which is Beauty's face.

I genuinely smile as I look at Beauty.

Beauty starts kissing me all on my face with her wet slobbery kisses.

The way Beauty always tries to kiss me is and will always so adorable.

"You're just so adorable Beauty, yes you are, you're really really so adorable and so beautiful." I tell Beauty in my Babyvoice.

Beauty genuinely smile at me as she spits up all over herself.

"You're really my Twin forreal forreal." I tell Beauty.

"Da Da." Beauty says to me.

Suddenly my room door opens, so I quickly turn my head, only to see Blue and Broderick walking right in my room.

Blue is holding a tray and Broderick is holding a glass of Orange Juice.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Daddy, Happy Birthday to you." Blue and Broderick sings to me.

I genuinely smile as Blue and Broderick walk over to my bed.

God I have thee greatest Kids ever.

I slowly sit up, sitting right up against the headboard, while I then sit Beauty right down next to me.

Blue places the tray on my lap as she then kisses my cheek.

Broderick hands me a glass of Orange Juice as he then daps me up.

Blue and Broderick then climb up on my bed, while staring at me.

"Well, aren't you gonna eat it now, already." Blue asks me.

"Of course I am Blue." I tell her.

I take a deep breath while closing my eyes.

I quickly say Grace while I then open my eyes right back up.

I smile at Blue and Broderick as I immediately start eating this Birthday Breakfast that they made me.

And I honestly gotta say this Breakfast is really really good, they did the damn thang.

This Oatmeal, Birthday Pancakes, Birthday Waffles, Bacon, Bagels, Cheesy Eggs and this Fruit Bowl is really so very much fire.

"Y'all got y'all's Cooking Skills from ya Mama and both of y'all's GrandMamas." I tell Blue and Broderick.

"Thank God for that." Blue says as she sighs in relief.

"Cause we didn't even wanna Inherit your Cooking Skills." She adds.

"Amen. Preach Pastor Blue Blue." Broderick tells Blue as he highfives her.

"Hahaha, y'all got jokes, real hilarious." I say to them, sarcastically.

"Daddy, that wasn't even a joke, I spoke the absolute truth." Blue tells me.

Suddenly Beauty crawls right over to Blue and Broderick, which causes me to gasp loudly.

"That's how you really feel Beauty." I ask Beauty as she crawls right into Blue's lap.

I place my free hand on my heart.

"Yeah, Daddy, that's how she really feels." Blue tells me, speaking for Beauty.

Blue kisses Beauty's head.

"Beauty chose the right side." Broderick says.

"Isn't that right Beauty." Broderick asks Beauty as he starts tickling her.

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