First fight (luke)

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Credit to: @iEatcupcakes4Lunch
You glanced at your clock. It was already 1am and Luke still wasn't home. You sent him several text messages and phone calls but none of them replied by him.

By this point you were getting worried. He always replies to your texts and he's usually the one to call you.

What if something happened to him? You thought to yourself.

You grabbed your phone ready to call him again but that's when you heard the door unlock and in came a drunk and stumbling Luke. He bumped a table, but he didn't fall. You could tell he was drinking judging by the smell of alcohol. Your worry tuned into anger and you felt like you were going to explode out of rage in any second.

He walked past you, not even aknowledging your presence. You felt hurt, Luke always gives you hugs and kisses when he gets home.

"Where have you been?" You ask all the while trying to stay calm.

"Why would you care?" He slurred

"Well if you haven't noticed I'm your girlfriend, and I have the right to care."

Then he laughed. Not the usual happy giggly Luke laugh. But this one was different, it was cold.

"Yeah whatever you say." He snapped

"Do you even know what time it is?!" You shouted

He didn't even answer. He just ignored you and sauntered into the kitchen. You followed.

"Where have you been?" You tried again but this time more collectively and calm.

Still no answer from him.

"I said where have you been?!" You demanded, shouting.

"Just shut the fuck up Y/N! you're giving me a migraine with that annoying voice of yours!" He shouted back.

Tears pricked your eyes and started to fall but you immediately wiped them away. You had to be strong.

"Luke..what's going on with you?" You said gently.

"It's cause of you Y/N!" He screamed. His voice echoing through the apartment.

"H-huh?" You stuttered feeling hurt.

"You always want to do things your way! You act like a mom instead of a girlfriend!" He screamed raking his fingers through his hair in frustration before continuing. "Every time I'm home late you always yell at me and lecture me for no damn reason!"

"No reason?! Luke from what I can tell, you've been at the pub, you come home late, you don't reply to any of my messages, and then you yell things about me being a bad girlfriend! When all I've ever done was worry about you!" You yelled back just as pissed but also hurt and threatening to break.

"Whatever. Well talk in the morning." He grumbled while trying to brush past you.

"No Luke!" You yelled grabbing his arm. But he still kept walking.

"You know what! I wish I hadn't met you! You're a fucking jerk!" You yelled

He spin around grabbing your wrists and pinning you against a wall. His beautiful blue eyes turned dark. His features hardened. This wasn't the Luke you fell in love with. This isn't your Luke.

"What did you just say?" His grip on you tightened when you didn't reply and you felt pain rush to your wrists.


"Your not my mom! Stop telling me what to do!! I have my own damn life and I can do whatever I want!"

"Luke stop it!!!"

"Give me one good reason why!!"

"Because Luke. Y-your hurting me." He whimper squirming under his tight grasp.

His eyes widened and he let go of you. You fell to the floor as if all of your energy had been drained. You started crying and checked your wrists and saw the bruises already forming. Luke saw them to and dropped to his knees. His eyes returned to the gentle blue.

"Oh god I'm so sorry Y/N."

"You can have your life back Luke, but don't consider me apart of it. We're done...I'm done." You stated as you slid up the wall.

When you were stood up you continued with your closing statement, "I'll get my things in the morning."

"Y/N please don't do this to me...I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." He wailed hugging your waist from his kneeled position on the floor and crying like crazy.

"Too late." You croaked and then proceeded to run, leaving Luke crying.

-Xpammie_monsterX first update :)
Please go check out my story on my other profile :)

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