Ep. 1 Family

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Jungkook pov:

I laid in my bed as i tought about how did that all happen. It felt i like yesterday as i tought about how i and my sister are playing in the garden and our parents are watching us while smiling and hugging each other.
That was 6 years ago.

And Now.. now i'am working in the mafia as an assasin. God how much i missed that time. I didnt had to worry if i die. But that doesent matter to me now. I already died on the day as my parents got killed in Front of my eyes. I still hear my sister crying while hugging me. Non of the police Officers helped us. They didnt even wanted to find the killer of our parents. So now there were only me and my sister on our own and we had to survive. So we got to the mafia Red Rose to find the killer who killed our parents.......
And kill him for revenge.

I snapped out of my thoughts as i heard a knock on my door.
,,Hey Baby brother why are you still awake we have a important mission tomorrow." Said my big sister Lisa.
,,I know but im a little bit in thoughts right now so i cant sleep". I said tired.
,,You're thinking about them arent you?" she whispered sad and hugged me.
,,Everything will be fine Baby brother we will find that motherfucker and kill him and after that we will escape from here and live our lives". She smiled and kissed me on the forhead. ,,Stop im not a little kid anymore". I laughed and tried to push her away from me.
,,No matter what someon says you will stay as my Baby brother. There are only you and me against the whole world".
Right......In this world i only have her. She is my family.

In a other Place

Taehyung pov:

I sat at my desk because i had some paper work to do. Beeing a mafia leader is not as easy as many are thinking. But i had to lead the gang since my dad died. But that doesnt matters to me He was an asshole who Sold Kids and dealed with drugs. But im not doing the same shit.

There are many things that are difficult for me but since i met one person there is a little Light in my dark and bloody mafia life. A beatyfull boy who i met few days ago. He is strong and sassy but what i like the most of him are his beatyfull eyes where i can see a future of peace and love. Theres only one Problem he is working for my biggest enemy. That asshole does the same Thing as my dad.
He is a perverted Pedophile who solds Kids and kills innocent people. But the worst Thing is my Baby does everthing He says. I dont want to hurt him but if he stands in my way i have to bring him down to.

Yes im talking about Jeon Jungkook the assasin of my enemy. I looked at the Papers i worked on as i felt a little pain on my forhead.
,,Hyung you can easaly say something you dont have Hit me all the time". I whined as i Held my forhsad.
,,But i have to check if my little brother lives after all of that shitty paper work"
Namjoon said while Looking at all of the Papers on my desk disgusted.
,,Come to the point hyung i dont have much time". I said
Cold as i looked at him.
,,ohh yes i almost forgot to mention our undercover agent told us that we are going to be Attacked tomorrow by the Red Rose mafia". He said while rolling his eyes in annoyence.
But i smirked and whispered.
,,So im gonna See you sooner as i thought my little bunny".

,,So what are we going to do?" Namjoon asked.
,,Let them come here and kill all of them exept of a little boy i will handle him". I said while smirking.
,,Aww is my little brother falling in love. I can give you some Tips if you want".
,,Ouu no thanks go to your little jin by the way how is he since he is pregant". I asked while smiling.
,,Fine i guess but he is bored since he cant work here anymore but our Baby girl will arrive soon". Namjoon said proud since he is the Happiest Person as he found out that he is gonna be a dad. And im happy to as long as he is.

,,oh one more Thing can you call yoongi i want him to Tell the other gang members that they should be Ready for tommorow".
,,no HELL no i dont want to disturb him since he is in his room with his mochi". Namjoon said while smirking.
,,dont Tell me they are doint ,,IT" agian he cant even last one Minute without sticking his Horse in his mochi. And that man is my right hand man".

,,Your fault it was your disicion but for now i have to go an call nayeon back to us since we are getting attacked tomorrow. Hoseok is already worried about her to". Namjoon said as he turned his direction to the door.

I leaned back at my chair and was excited about tomorrow.

,,This is gonny be fun my bunny."

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