"A bit short notice to invite my whole team, doubt they be able to make it let alone all fit in one room" he said seriously, making Temi break out in a fit of laughter.

"Very funny Zayvier"she said sarcastically which eventually turned into a yawn.

"Go to bed princess" he said looking into the camera. Firstly it started out as a joke but now it was something he called her everyday sometimes even more than her first name, ."Love" made Temi want to do cartwheels but "Princess" made her want to do backflips.

"I'm good I wanna stay on the phone with you" she wined looking away from the camera so Zayvier couldn't see her smiling.

"I'm gonna see you tomorrow, you can call me in the morning before training I know your tired and more importantly it's past my bedtime" Temi knew it was late, much later than when Zayvier usually went to bed but he always stayed up a little later when they were on call.

"Ok fine, goodnight Zayvier"she said putting her phone on charge.

"Night Tee"he replied before immediately cutting the phone.

Temi could only now see where this was going. She hasn't had many male friends and none of them were as close as she has gotten with Zayvier over these past 3 months but she honestly thought she was stronger than this. She couldn't help herself when it came to Zayvier he was extremely handsome, he treated her like royalty and he made her laugh, no one could blame her for forming a little crush on him.

"Nay you awake?" she asked lightly knocking on Neveah's door.

"Yeah. What do you want this late bruv?" She groaned as Temi opened the door.

Temi sat cross legged on the edge Neveah's bed racking her brain at if she was ready to admit it.

"Babe it's litch 2am spit it out"Veah sighed getting agitated.

"I errr I think I have a crush on Zayvier"she said quietly fiddling with her fingers in her lap.

"Finally"Veah sighed "I've been waiting for you to realise for weeks".

"So you knew and you didn't tell me"Remi said truely shocked.

"It's not about me knowing it's about you knowing and it took you long enough, it's always Zayvier this Zayvier that, for someone so smart you are pretty slow" Neveah laughed, it was obvious Temi liked Zayvier she would talk about him to anyone who would listen and if she wasn't talking about him she was talking to him.

"You real fake for that" Temi side eyed her.

"You know for a fact if I told you you would deny it talking about he's just my friend" she mocked.

"He was my friend but now I don't just want to be his friend anymore" she sighed putting her head in her hands.

"Come here" Veah called from the top of the bed offering a hug to her friend who was clearly in distress.

"I don't know what to do"she said laying her head in Neveah's shoulder." He's told me countless times he doesn't do relationships and let alone with me"

"Tee don't start with me this late in the night, Zay would be more than lucky to have you and if he doesnt see that, fuck that lanky nigga" she said seriously.

"You right, but not to much on man" Temi joked in response "I'm sure as soon as I get back from New York I'll be over him"she shrugged.

"I'll let you believe what you want to believe Love"Neveah laughed at her friends delusion.

Temi truely believe she could do it, by the end of next week  she would be thousand miles away from Zayvier and she would be to busy to talk to him everyday so she was really hoping the distance would get rid of her little crush.

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