Thin Lines Between Enemies And Lovers

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News spread like wildfire through nations, and this was some of the biggest news for a while. It had come from a newer nation in the desert, home to the world-famous hero, Totem. The news came early on a warm morning. The hero was missing. Everyone began panicking. If one hero was missing, what about all the other heroes? Would they go missing too? Yet all of the worry died down after a week. No others went missing. Yet there was still an air of confusion throughout the nations. Where was Totem?

~A Week Earlier~

Chilled air woke Totem from a sleep, his body tensing. He immediately knew something was wrong. It was never cold in the desert, the cold stone against his back also showed he wasn’t in his bed. As he began to fully regain consciousness, the more he noticed. There was cloth gagging him, and his hands were suspended by shackles that prevented him from using his powers. His vest shirt and shorts still remained on his body however. Panicking, he attempted to call out to someone, his body thrashing. Instead of continuing and wasting his energy, Totem scanned the room he was tied in. There was no decoration apart from a chair and steel table a few feet ahead of his, and a door some more feet from the table. Blurred silhouettes passed by the door, filling the man with false hope that one of them was going to come untie and help him escape. But that hope was destroyed as more and more people walked past. Deciding to at least attempt once to break free, Totem allowed sparks of lightning to flow through his fingers, only resulting in a faint glow and small sparkles. Annoyed, he leant against the wall and tilted his head back. If he couldn’t use his powers, the only thing left was his strength, yet that was useless due to the way he was bound and the fact that no matter how much he tugged and struggled against the bounds, he couldn’t break free. He decided to just give up on trying and allowed his body to go limp.

He stayed this way for what felt like hours, before a voice echoed through an intercom system, “Well good morning sleeping beauty. Never thought you’d wake up.” Totem growled at the voice, immediately recognising the british accent and flirty tone to the voice. His enemy, Wither.

“Now honey, don’t look so surprised. You don’t have to be afraid Foolish.”

Foolish froze on the spot. How did Wither know his name? And how did Wither get him here without him waking? All questions for later. The doors opened and the villain entered, their steps long and elegant. Despite the two being sworn enemies, Foolish couldn’t help but stare. Wither wore a tight shirt, an almost equally tight leather jacket over that, accentuating the muscles in their arms and chest. The shirt was tucked into a pair of black skinny jeans and knee-high boots, completing the look. Their hair was perfectly curled, framing their face in a way that made them look painted, too good to be real. Black sunglasses covered their eyes as usual, intrigue creeping through Foolish now that he was up close. Before he could realise he had been staring, there was a harsh slap on his cheek. A small gasp left his mouth and he closed his eyes, his head being forced to the side by a hand grabbing his face. Now with his enemy forcing him to look into their eyes, he realised how helpless he really was in this situation, there was no one to help him, and there was no doubt that Wither had some plan to keep him hidden. This was no normal hostage situation, this was a world-known hero, there had to be a large amount of planning into this. A smile spread across Wither’s lips, their hand falling away from Foolish’s face. A sigh left their mouth as they went to leave again, only to be stopped dead in their tracks by a small whimper from Foolish. They turned slowly to face Totem, a smirk on their face, much opposed to the embarrassed and flustered blush turning Foolish’s face a light shade of pink.

Wither crouched to be face to face with Foolish, shouting back towards the still open door for someone to close and lock it. The command was followed almost immediately by someone Foolish couldn’t see. Once the door was fully closed and the lock clicked into place, Wither’s attention was turned back to Foolish.

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