Chapter 10- Pathetic

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CW- Very sexual chapter, i apologise in advance but i laughed writing this, it was pretty funny and needed to happen for the story.

Hux's pov:

Another flameout. My fifth one tonight. I am fucking drunk. Really fucking drunk. Rosary is all over me (that is her name). We are in a private booth near the back of the club, the music is muffled and no one can see us. And I am fucking smashed off my mind. I'm seeing colours, I'm hearing sounds- oh wait that's how it normally is. But my mind is racing.

She unbuttons my shirt, I think i'm enjoying this more now. "I'm so glad you reached out." Shes says as she clumsily kisses me. She's got her hands round the back of my neck like if she legs go she may fall to her demise. Sorry but dark, back to kissing.

"Oh stars me too." I'm leaning up against the wall now, not lying down, just leaning, she's practically lying on top of me. I don't know how long we've been like this but she keeps going from my mouth to neck so I can get a drink. And oh my fuck am i attracted to it. But i can't stop closing my eyes, I'm trying to think of someone else but the only person popping to mind is Kylo fucking Ren of course. NOT YOU!

"Wanna come back to my place?" I ask. Now you may be wondering, is he so fucking drunk he can't remember that's where Ren is. No he's not. He is fully aware. Hux also really likes talking in the third person like this for some reason because it's really fun (especially while being black out drunk).

Also while we're on the topic of Ren, he got reception to give him a key as well so he has access to the room.

"Stars! Yes please!"  She says. I forgot i asked her to come to my place already. Stars i'm really distracted.

We drag ourselves out the club. She's holding me up. We walk through the streets. She looks lovely tonight, she's wearing a lacy black dress that shows off her figure. But all though she's hot and she makes me feel good, it still feels wrong. I ignore this feeling though. It will probably go away soon.

Next time I am fully conscious we're in the lift to my hotel room. Then we're walking down the hallways and i'm unzipping her dress, not enough to flash the cameras, just enough to tease though. We're still aggressively kissing as I fumble with the key.

We're inside. She doesn't even seem to notice Ren (even over him shouting). I love his little jealous, horrified face, makes me feel happy and proud. She pinned me up against the wall and I suddenly feel her be thrown across the room.

Rens stupid fucking mind powers.

He looks pisssseddd. "Get out of our hotel room!" he points to the door. And she obliges willingly, too scared of him to not.

"Some other time Hux?" she asks, I nod, she leaves.

He's fucking infuriated. "You are so unprofessional! What in the name of Vader do you think your doing you fucking whore!" holy shit. that was hot. "That better be a drunk thought."

"Ohh. Maybe? Maybe not." I grab his tie. Why the fuck is he wearing a tie? Where did he get a tie? Doesn't matter, I pull him in, "you like it."

He goes bright fucking red, "No I- you I- I." I love seeing him embarrassed.

I've never seen him this nervous, "Don't think I didn't notice you looking at me, thinking about me, about what it would be like to do those things with me."

Realisation hits him. I knew it. I knew I'd interrupted the Senator on probably a very important thought of Rens she was telling me about.

"Your so pathetic you know that." I let go of his tie and walk away as I speak. "Why are you wearing that tie anyway? Where did you get it? Go on, do tell" I sit down on my bed.

"I bought it while you were gone, in the city centre, I thought maybe when you came back we could go to that restaurant again. It was a stupid thought though. Your too busy sleeping around to have actual friends." he scoffed.

I don't know where I get my confidence from when I'm drunk, but I love it! "Oh but you don't want to be just friends do you?" so glad I've had five flameouts, I will not remember this tomorrow, "You want to do everything to me. Anything you can, don't you? What a pathetic sight. What would Snoke think if he saw his golden boy like this? What would he say? Good night."
I decided to leave the conversation there. Make him want more but he'll never get it.

I rested my head down on the pillow and soon fell asleep.

Kylo Ren pov:

Holy fucking shit, I'm attracted to that.

855 words

I apologise, but that was really funny to write. <3

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