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It's been four months since he's gone. After reading those letters, I looked around for him. I didn't lose hope. He did say that he won't be here anymore but I didn't believe him.

No one knew Jungwon here. But they knew about Sunoo.

I searched for Sunoo everywhere incase I would find something but as the day went by, I got weak.

I once asked that old lady about Sunoo and she said she don't remember having any neighbour named Sunoo.

I was panaroid for other people. Yunji believed me but at the end she gave up. She didn't call me panaroid but didn't call me sane either.

I still crave for his presence.

I walked to the convenience store to buy food.

I was looking around for snacks. Something caught my eyes.

A. Really. Familiar. Figure.

I walked closer to get a better look of that figure.

He turned around.

It felt like that the time has stopped.

"Jungwon..." I whispered. Without wasting time he hugged me.

It felt like everything around us disappeared and it was only us.

He broke the hug and looked into my eyes.

"Finally, the day has come, when I returned to you." He said in a low-soft voice.

Someone accidentally stumbled upon us. They mouthed a sorry and left.

When I looked back at Jungwon he was gone. I looked everywhere he was nowhere to be found. I went to the place where I was, and it was not him but someone else with the same body physic as his.

I left the store with heavy heart. But only if I knew, what I just experienced was not my hallucination.


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