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"YAH." Sunoo screamed making me startled.

"What happened bruh?" I asked.

"Who's cat is this?" He asked.
"I don't know, we found him infront of our building. You know who's the owner?" I asked.

"No. It's just... It's cute I guess." He said. It felt like he knew something. But I ignored it.

"Well, I am preparing something I'll get back to you in a few minutes," I said as he nodded.

Few minutes later

"Wh-" "sunoo?" I said. He was not in the living room.
"Yunji have you seen sunoo?"
"He was here?" She asked.
"Yeah and I said I'll be back in minutes and he's not here anymore." I said. That's when my phone pinged.

Sunoo 🦊
Sorry Ara, something came up. Will meet you some other day :)

Ah sunoo.

I replied ok and gave the cat some milk.

"You know you actually resemble the cat a lot." Yunji said while eating her food.

"Nope. Cats are cute and I am not."

"Well that's true though but since the cat is attracted towards you the more, so you know that's my guess." She said. I rolled my eyes at her and focused on the cat.

Who must be this heartless for abandoning this cat here? I've never seen this cat before. It actually looks like that someone used to take care of the cat because of the behaviour.

I caressed the cat and stood up.

"Time to get some assignments done." I said to myself and took my bag to take out all the stuff.

I sat on my study table when I felt like something rubbing on my leg. I looked down to see the cat there. (Uhm--)

I held the cat and made it sit on the bed and tried to concentrate on my work.

Time skips

I yawned. Doing assignments are tiring. But it's satisfying too when you know all the answers to the question. I looked at the bed and saw the cat sleeping. It was such an aw moment. It's just, that the cat was cute. I didn't realise but it was already evening. Yunji must have been to work. She does a part-time job to pay rent for both of us. I went to the kitchen to cook something for myself to eat since I was too focused on my studies and skipped meals.

I was tired by now. I didn't even do anything but it still drained my energy. I yawned again and went to bed. I left a note for Yunji to eat food after she'll be back.

I had one subject assignment left but I'll do it tomorrow. I looked at the cat who was still sleeping peacefully. I didn't disturb it. I lay beside the cat and tried to sleep. In no time, I was in a deep slumber.

Cat || Yang Jungwon.Where stories live. Discover now