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ok this ise evarybudy x gost readerr
Recently, the new Neighbor had gone missing. No one really understood what or why it happened, but they couldn't do anything as they checked for them, called their name, and tried to look inside their house. But all to no avail. At the same time, lots of weird things had been happening our the Neighborhood, including Home waking up to being colored blue, Wally's paint suddenly disappearing, Julie's paddle ball being buried 6 feet into the ground, Barnaby being shut closed into his house, Howdy's store being closed for a while because everything was dumped onto the ground, all the butterflies suddenly disappearing (Poor Frank!) , Sally's props being broken, Poppy randomly waking up in a lake, and Eddie's mail being mixed up. Everyone was so confused, and they'd wake up, Anxious about the next catastrophe about to happen. Wally decided to take it upon himself to find out what, why, and when this happened. He had invited the rest of the neighborhood to solve this issue with him.

"Alright, let's go!" Julie screamed, running to the Neighbor's abandoned home as the rest went in as well. It was..dusty. They heard someone giggle and laugh hysterically. Wally let out a high pitched scream, making the laughter get louder. Soon, they saw a bright figure float it.
It was Neighbor!
Neighbor waved aggressively and quickly, hushing Wally to stop screaming, making him stop but stare wide eyed.
"What...What happened?" Asked Frank curiously as he circled around Neighbor, shocked by their sudden change.
"Oh, just a small trip and fall. Ended up dead, but whatever!" Neighbor said , acting like they just tripped and totally didn't bash their head into a pole and it went into their skull, the blood loss making their body cold and soon being the cause of their demise. Everyone knew it wasn't that minimal, the way Neighbor acted like it was, they knew it was much more. But they didn't wish to make Neighbor recall their death, so they ignored it. "Well, no why have you been causing all this chaos?" Wally asked, shivering behind Barnaby as he held onto him tightly. "Oh, well, I don't know." Neighbor said. Wally whimpered as soon as you responded to him, hiding behind Barnaby, peeking out occasionally. Barnaby comforted Wally, patting his head and hugging him. Neighbor giggled, flying around in circles before landing. "I thought it would be funny to play a few pranks! After all, you'd never know it was me!" Eddie sighed, stepping up. "Neighbor, you know we love you and we care for you, but bothering people isn't the best way to play around." He said, seeming like a disappointed family member . "Oh." Neighbor said, very hurt. "I'm sorry." Neighbor sighed, swirling before disappearing. Everyone suddenly gasped , turning to look at each other in confusion as Wally stepped to the front of Barnaby. "What just happened? Where did Neighbor go?" They looked around, attempting to find them, but all to no Avail. They decided to shrug it off and test for the night, sleeping through out the various sounds of bumping, crashing, and slapping.

In the morning, everyone woke up and stepped out, all gasping collectively,

Wally's house had been painted with hearts, letters scrambled spelling the words "I LOVE YOU".

Eddies mail had been fixed into a heart, his favorite food in the middle.

Frank's butterfly collection had been given back, adding butterflies he hadn't caught yet.

Barnaby had been given a box full of hotdogs, along with a record player.

Howdy had been given all types of gadgets, and a letter containing all the jokes he could think of in alphabetical order, along with some being about every neighbor.

Julie had been gifted a brand new paddle ball, along with new music to listen to.

Sally had been given the props she'd wanted for a long time, along with the original scripts to plays she wanted to try with her friends.

Poppy had been gifted a pride flag, and a box full of bandaids.

Everyone was so happy, they bragged and showed each other the gifts they had been mysteriously given, sometimes rambling about how much they love it. "I wonder who did this?" Eddie asked, his food in hand. Suddenly, he felt a kiss on his cheek. It was cold, sure , but it felt nice. Soon , everyone felt the same way, being given a soft, yet cold kiss on the cheek , making them all blush as they placed their hand on the place they'd been kissed. "What was that?" Barnaby asked, his tail wagging. "I don't know..but, it felt nice." Wally admitted, slightly shaking. Soon, the same, familiar giggle they all missed was heard, making them all look around. "I can't stay here much longer." Neighbor admitted, seeming very gloomy. "But just know I love you all, okay?" "We love you too, neighbor." Julie smiled, making a heart with her hands at them. As Neighbor finally left to get their final and deserved rest, everyone waved goodbye, some even crying as they waved to neighbor for one last time.
It was bittersweet, but they knew it was for the best.

Everyone was hurrying around, grabbing flowers and baking Neighbor's favorite food as they panicked. "Oh no! What if we're late? What if Neighbor already left?" Poppy screamed, worried as she grasped onto some flowers. "Ah, Poppy, don't worry. Neighbor doesn't appear until midnight, when we can't see them." Wally assured Poppy, patting her feathers. Poppy calmed down, setting down the flowers on Neighbor's grave as she patted the tomb stone lovingly. Julie ran to the grave, setting down Neighbor's favorite food, along with cake.  Eddie brought candles, and Frank brought a lighter, Barnaby bringing some more flowers, along with Howdy bringing your favorite item to buy, Wally bringing you some apples, and Sally bringing you your favorite song to sing. Everyone gathered around, clapping as they lit the candles Eddie placed on the cake.

"Happy birthday to you..
Happy birthday to you..
Happy birthday dear Neighbor...
Happy birthday to you.."
Everyone clapped, as Eddie lightly shoved the cake closer to your grave.
"Blow the candles, Neighbor!" He said, gleefully smiling.
They waited for a while, before a gust of wind blew the candles. They all cheered, some hugging your gravestone. Suddenly, the happy atmosphere died, first as Frank started crying, and soon Julie, and soon the rest.

"Neighbor.." Wally sighed.
"Please come back."
"We need you here.."

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