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Requested by @Siddha_5302
I hope you like it 💜

Jungkook had always been one to jump to conclusions without fully understanding the situation. He was quick to blame others for things that weren't their fault and it had caused countless problems for him in the past. Unfortunately, this time it was Jin who was on the receiving end of his unfair accusations.

It all started when Jungkook walked into their practice room one day to find a valuable piece of equipment broken. Without even stopping to consider the possibility that it might have fallen or malfunctioned on its own, he immediately assumed that one of his bandmates must have been responsible.

"Who did this?" he demanded, his eyes scanning the room for any signs of guilt.

Jin, who had been minding his own business on the other side of the room, looked up in confusion. "Did what?"

"This!" Jungkook pointed angrily to the broken equipment.

Jin's eyes widened as he realized what had happened. "Oh no, I didn't even touch it. I swear."

But Jungkook wasn't listening. His anger had already taken control and he was convinced that Jin was lying to save his own skin. "Stop lying," he spat. "I know you did it."

Whatever Jin tried to say after that fell on deaf ears. Jungkook was beyond reason and wouldn't listen to anything the older boy had to say. The rest of the practice went on in stony silence, with Jungkook shooting accusing glares at Jin every chance he got.

It wasn't until later that night when he received a text from Suga that he realized the truth. The equipment had been old and worn out and had finally given up the ghost. Nobody had been responsible for its demise, and Jin was innocent after all.

Jungkook felt a wave of guilt wash over him as he read the message. He'd been unfair to Jin, and now he had to make it right. But when he showed up at the dorm the next day, Jin was nowhere to be found.

"Where's Jin?" he asked Namjoon, who was lounging on the couch.

"Probably sick," Namjoon replied casually. "He said he wasn't feeling well last night."

Jungkook's heart sank. Had he been so blinded by his anger that he didn't even notice that Jin was ill? He made his way to Jin's room and knocked gently on the door.

"Jin hyung? It's Jungkook. Can I come in?"

The door creaked open and Jungkook stepped inside. There, lying on his bed with a damp cloth on his forehead, was Jin. He looked pale and sweaty, and Jungkook felt a pang of worry.

"Hyung, are you okay?" he asked softly.

Jin looked up at him weakly, his eyes sunken and tired. "Not really. I think I caught a bug. But it's fine, I'll be better in a few days."

Jungkook shook his head. "No way. You need to rest and get better, and I'll make sure that happens. I'll take care of you."

And so began Jungkook's stint as a nursemaid. He spent the next few days tending to Jin's needs, bringing him soup and medicine, and keeping him company so he wouldn't get too lonely. And in the process, he began to realize just how much he'd misjudged Jin.

As they spent time together, talking and laughing, Jungkook began to see that Jin was more than just a talented musician. He was kind, patient, and caring, and he deserved much more respect and recognition than Jungkook had ever given him.

One afternoon, as they were watching a movie together, Jungkook turned to Jin and said, "I'm sorry, hyung. I was wrong to blame you for breaking the equipment. I should have trusted you, and I'm sorry for not doing so."

Jin smiled weakly. "It's okay, Kookie. We all make mistakes. And I know you didn't mean to hurt me. It's water under the bridge."

But Jungkook shook his head. "No, it's not okay. I want to make it right. Please forgive me."

Jin's smile grew wider. "Of course, Kookie. I forgive you. And I appreciate you taking care of me like this. You're a good friend."

Jungkook beamed with happiness. It felt so good to have Jin's forgiveness, and to know that he'd been wrong about him all along.

Over the next few days, Jin's health began to improve. His fever broke and he started feeling more like himself. And as he got better, he and Jungkook grew closer, bonding over shared interests and finding common ground in unexpected places.

By the time Jin was back to his old self, Jungkook knew that he'd made a true friend. And even though he'd made some mistakes along the way, he was grateful for the opportunity to make things right and to learn how to be a better person.

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